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  1. JohnEarlMadden

    Job Drug Test and the Summer!

    I was looking at that site, and it also sells homeopathic foot detox pads. I'm not sure I can take that site very seriously.
  2. JohnEarlMadden

    How do MZ/PD stems compare in potency to other methods?

    Thanks for the replies, they are very helpful. I forgot to mention how long I've been doing it. I've been vaping about 1-2 stems a night for about 5 months. I don't really have any other friends that blaze aside from my GF and my dealer, but my GF only does it once a week, and my dealer is...
  3. JohnEarlMadden

    How do MZ/PD stems compare in potency to other methods?

    I'm curious of vaping a MZ stem a night would classify me as a heavy user. How many stems a week would get you to that status? I'm worried about drugtestng and I had been averaging about a stem or two a night. Some nights were heavier than other and other nights nothing at all. Am I in the 30+...
  4. JohnEarlMadden


    I have a question about amperage. I was at radioshack and I noticed they had a variable transformer that outputted between 9 and 13.5 volts. This seemed perfect except for the fact it only supported .8 amps. How much does .2 amps matter?
  5. JohnEarlMadden

    My MZ doesn't heat up sometimes. I can't find any other post on this.

    I don't think it's the chord. I was doing nothing and it heated up. However, I was working when it was heated so I couldn't use it. The second I go to pack a stem I notice it is cooler and it must have lost power. I hear something shaking inside. I'll shoot rick and email.
  6. JohnEarlMadden

    My MZ doesn't heat up sometimes. I can't find any other post on this.

    I plugged my MZ in last night and it never heated up. I tried changing plugs and nothing seemed to help. When I woke up in the morning it was cold, but 3 hours later it had heated up. It was never unplugged except when I changed the outlet, which only happened once. Any idea what caused this...
  7. JohnEarlMadden

    How do you tell if you are still getting hits? [8]

    I'm enjoying my myrtlezap, and I don't always see vapor when I exhale. Could I still be getting hits even when you see no visible vapor in the exhalation? I'd like to know of my stuff is kicked or not.
  8. JohnEarlMadden

    Can you use a stainless steel PD stem on a MZ?

    Hi, I'm new to the forum, but I've done a lot of reading over the past few hours. It seems to me that people here really like the purple days and myrtlezap. After reading all that I've decided to go with a myrtlezap, but I was reading about some lead issues in the bronze stem of the MZ. Is it...
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