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  1. Kommyknocker

    The Fluoride thing

    Fuck you Fluoride and fuck you people gently who are mis/uninformed enough to not have researched this themselves and made relevant life changes to unsure they can reap as much happiness and connectedness to this universe as possible.. Oh and fuck punctuation.
  2. Kommyknocker

    Tolerance breaks more managable with vapor?

    I haphazardly tacked this statement/question onto another post but in hindsight probably get more 'airtime' here. So yeah anyone else notice this? I've been smoking Cheeba on and off since I was 12(I know tut tut) so a good 15 or so years and in that time there were many tolerance breaks, some...
  3. Kommyknocker

    Standardised ABV Colour Scale?

    Does something along these lines exist? Also if let's say, abv that is black is no longer useful for anything so its a ten. I'd say when I started out I was taking my herb to a 8 or 9 using the Arizer EQ bags. Now though I'd say I go to no more than a 4 maybe 4.5 using the same EQ just through...
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