The Screwball by Vapvana


When life gives you lemons, lemon tek
Alright Then Keep Your Secrets GIF by hero0fwar


Well-Known Member

Naming Contest Winners​

Hi Y'all :wave:

Thanks to everyone who tuned into my (behind schedule) livestream on IG yesterday. I'm still recovering from being sick this past week, but wanted to make a quick update to announce the winners.

And without further ado... 🥁

The New Official Mascot Name Is...

Coach Reuben

Congrats to BOTH Grand Prize Winners - @Razzle_N_Dazzle (Coach) & @Misterhyde (Reuben)

Celebrate We The Best GIF by Booksmart

Why did you select two names?!

Good Question! At first, I was pretty sold on going with just Reuben - since I liked the idea of the mascot having a 'human' name. :myday:

However, I also liked the idea that Mascot's role was an educational one. And since he is featured in the new version of our 'Quick Start Guide' it made sense to call him Coach. :cool:

But then I was thinking.... is anyone named just Coach :hmm:

And that's when the idea of Coach Reuben was born :science:


Runner Up Prizes:​

Congrats to the following runner up prizes randomly selected on the livestream yesterday!

Screwball Kit Winner - @erka
Accessory Pack Winners - @AssistedLiving @Bababouy @Syncourt

Please send me a message on here with your email address and I'll send over a draft order to get your prize in the system.

Final Thoughts​

Thanks again to everyone who made our second contest just as fun as the first! We had ~85 people enter with over 100 name suggestions (I still need to tally the total amount).

I'm always grateful for the opportunity to give back to this community, and look forward to when we can do another contest soon.

Happy Vaping,


Well-Known Member
Congratulations all the winners.
I just got Screwball last night.
I like it.
Still playing.
Is there a easy way to take on coil handle without damaging it?
I have a spalted tarind wood coil handle


Well-Known Member
Congratulations all the winners.
I just got Screwball last night.
I like it.
Still playing.
Is there a easy way to take on coil handle without damaging it?
I have a spalted tarind wood coil handle
you will have to slice off the wrap on the stock handle. If you ever want to put it back on just get more heat shrink tubing.

Congrats to the other winners! Thanks for the contest Cal! DM sent
Hopefully the manual will have a PDF component, otherwise I'd gladly pay shipping to include it with my existing kit so I can share the wisdom of Coach Ruben with first time users I share the Screwball with :D


Pranayama; of a sort.
I like the idea of "Coach", its a cool concept and I can see how you could use the mascot in the user manuals and videos of how to use the Screwball (family)

Congratulations to the winnnners

I think the things I am looking forward to the most are the the micro-dosing bowl, I'm really - really keen to get my hands on that bowl as it looks like its going to add more options to use conduction with a much thicker bowl.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for choosing my name suggestion! I wasn't expecting it, and I definitely wasn't expecting double grand prize winners. Congrats to @Misterhyde as well. "Coach Reuben" really fits the little guy lol I really love community interactions like this. I'm excited to get the Screwball and try it out! The wireless version should also be really cool once it's sent out as well . I've never even seen a wireless version of these types of vapes before.


Pranayama; of a sort.
I'm so keen on the wireless version and the microdosing bowl.

I really want something that has a little less diameter (which if I remember correctly its a 15mm instead of the current 20mm) and a little more conduction for the smaller sized doses; which from the cad drawings it looks like there might me more material to the bowl than the current one. The current one is great when in full bowl setting but I find myself chasing in the half bowl setting and I can only assume its the different amount of conduction and radiant heat with the half bowl setting.

The Wireless, I am hoping it keeps the gems, the size of the gem chamber - or maybe a little larger gem chamber on the wireless - I really like how these gems act, I would like to get some slightly larger ones or smaller ones out of curiousity


Well-Known Member
I think the Screwball is great. But what you are describing is true of all diffuser heads. I would also go so far as to say you are depriving yourself of some vapor by preheating your cannabis this way.

Every convection vape has some conduction and radiant heat. The difference is if it is enough to overcome the convection heat. In the case of the screwball it is not. Which I consider a plus of the screwball's design. As you can see drawing air through the head is much faster than simply resting it on the bowl. Similarly, any incidental conduction from the bowl will be swamped by those hot air currents moving through the rubies.

Again this is all true of nearly every diffuser ball vape on the market. I like my Screwball a lot, but I don't like powers ascribed to any vape that don't exist. Much like the claims of heat stability because the controller display doesn't update. We should value the vapes for what they can really do. Making claims beyond that will always concern me because our industry is rife with pseudo science and snake oil.
I'm after the most satisfying hit, not the most efficient. I said in my first post I smell terps when I go for the hit, so I know I'm losing something. But chasing efficiency only adds more unanswerable questions. We aren't vaporizing at all, we're huffing aerosol. How much aerosol do you lose when there is no air pressure is being applied by sucking? Is the heat converting THCa to THC or all the way to CBN?

I've tried heat soaking other heads/bowls like I've said. If they are capable of doing it, the time frame is far to long and finding the "biting point" where you hit it and get some real benefit from heat soaking is elusive. I've even tried putting the Omega head on the Vapvana bowl and I don't get the same fully roasted effect like I do with the Screwball head after a 15s soak.

Vaping Huffing aerosol isn't a "zero-sum competition" for the heat sources. The effects of conduction radiation aren't nullified by the convection doing most the leg work. Starting the convection process with the weed at 400f isn't the same as starting the convection process with the weed at room temperature.


Well-Known Member
Question, can I use the Screwball with my glass here as is or do I need a 45 degree adapter to make it vertical? (Please ignore how dirty it is. It has been put away for a long time. I'll clean it before using it again :p)

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Well-Known Member
Question, can I use the Screwball with my glass here as is or do I need a 45 degree adapter to make it vertical? (Please ignore how dirty it is. It has been put away for a long time. I'll clean it before using it again :p)

It looks like at the very least you would need a 14mm to 18mm adapter. Its doable but not ideal I would say, you can get the adapters for real cheap so might as well give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
Question, can I use the Screwball with my glass here as is or do I need a 45 degree adapter to make it vertical? (Please ignore how dirty it is. It has been put away for a long time. I'll clean it before using it again :p)

This should work fine with the pass adapter like you won in the kit, tipping will help you from bowl spillage. You may find you want something with a 90 degree bowl though I know I do :cheers:


Well-Known Member
This should work fine with the pass adapter like you won in the kit, tipping will help you from bowl spillage. You may find you want something with a 90 degree bowl though I know I do :cheers:
I tilt it a bit when I use it normally so it might work out. I'm gonna try it as is and if I don't like it then I'll try an angle adapter after.

Didn’t use, but just tried lifting the heater on & off this. No prob even with no water .. abv stayed in place :tup:
That's good to know. If yours stays in place mine should too. It's pretty hefty.
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