Recent content by REBG

  1. REBG

    how to use a SS turkey baster for BHO

    ok so i'm wondering how to make and use a stainless steel turkey baster for bho. i am currently in the process of making honey oil via the QWISO method but if that doesnt work i want to try this method, that is, if its worth trying. now i have no idea how to do any of this, i am very new to...
  2. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    i have an electric hot plate i was gonna use for the double boiler. will that work for evap too?
  3. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    what was your variation?
  4. REBG

    which of these 25 is the best vape pen?

    ive looked into SS BHO extractors and im wondering if that would work beter than this: its a glass extractor and i'm...
  5. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    ok well i'll be making it very soon and will be posting a pic. i'm making it for a vape pen. probably a thermovape. any other tips would be helpful and much appreciated
  6. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    this is what someone else told me to use
  7. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    i think i have most of my supplies, the glass dish will work as my double boiler and evap dish
  8. REBG

    which of these 25 is the best vape pen?

    ok i'm going to make my honey oil soon and i'll post a pic of it. im doing the QWISO method 1st. if thats no good i plan on buying a glass on glass oil extractor. so basically ive come to the conclusion that i"ll be getting a thermovape of some kind if my honey oil is good enough. unless...
  9. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    ok so i'm going to not use the gold coffee filter and get some brown paper coffe filters (it does make more since that way lol) and the double broiler: im just tryin to figure out how to make and use a double broiler
  10. REBG

    which of these 25 is the best vape pen?

    is the dart for honey oil? and do they have wicks?
  11. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    i have a gold metal coffee filter, will that work? like a metal pan with boiling water with metal bowl on top? can i let it evaporate in the sun by a window? or just at room temp? what is IMO and ABV? So many questions, sorry guys lol
  12. REBG

    which of these 25 is the best vape pen?

    i'm using QWISO honey oil. i am a beginner though and have never extracted oils before so all this is very new to me. so whatever is easy to smoke it out of is what i'm looking for. it cant be obvious that i'm vaping anything but an e-cigarette but it can be bigger. thats not an issue.
  13. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    "Search for QWISO, most techs will tell you to evaporae with heat, but AFAIK if you just let the dish with ISO sit in a well ventilated space (maybe with a fan or some other source of airflow over it) it should all evap out. I usually use a simple double boiler setup with some household glass...
  14. REBG

    making honey oil without heat

    i found a recipe of honey oil that uses 99% isopropyl and no flame or anything here is the link: i'm wondreing if this is a good idea. i'm pretty clumsy and i'm kind of worried about burning myself the other way of doing...
  15. REBG

    which of these 25 is the best vape pen?

    i have compiled a list of personal portable vape pens. i will be using honey oil but i dont know which one is best. i've been getting a lot of mixed reviews but any advice would be helpful e-skillet v7 omicron persei atmos nuke thermovape revolution the essential oiler MicroG pen vaporX XL...
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