Recent content by Lil Dragonfly

  1. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    FUCK I think I've figured out the cause of my lung pain...
  2. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    I would question the accuracy of anything on that site, its an environmental activist group not a medical journal. You know all about Greenpeace's scare tactics right?
  3. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    It's a turn-on. I am looking to vape liquids (vegetable glycerin, aloe juice, etc.). Sorry for not clarifying.
  4. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    How bad is it exactly?
  5. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    Drip tips- thanks for telling me, didn't know. Will look into it. Plastic parts in wizard stick- ooh, I never thought of that. Doesn't sound good. On the other hand, I am already addicted to sucking air from vinyl inflatables (my friend recently told me that this is giving me lung damage :( )
  6. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    My idea is better for the following reasons: 1. A wizard stick creates much more vapor than an e-cig. The only advantage of the e-cig in comparison is portability, which I don't need. 2. E-cigs contain polyester batting, which releases toxic gases and particulate matter when heated. 3. An...
  7. Lil Dragonfly

    going to build something: any advice?

    I want to put a bong attachment on a wizard stick. Any tips and advice welcome :) (Wasn't quite sure what section this belonged in...)
  8. Lil Dragonfly

    15 Things you should know about MJ

    Someone please tell me more about the loophole in Belgium. My friend lives there, and he really could do with something to ease his stress.
  9. Lil Dragonfly

    When vaporizing/smoking, does the smell concern you? What do you do?

    I dream of becoming an inventor too btw :) Sometime when I get my life back together I'll tell you about the projects I've been working on. (Or should I say, the projects that I should be working on...I never finish anything I start :/)
  10. Lil Dragonfly

    When vaporizing/smoking, does the smell concern you? What do you do?

    They already have invented an air filter that gets rid of smoke/vapor. Its a big tower thingy, it also filters out dust mold etc. I used to have one for my allergies. As for masking the smell, try blowing up some balloons or inflatable toys :) whenever I do that the wonderful scent lingers in...
  11. Lil Dragonfly

    Please help! My smoking cough is back and I'm NOT smoking :(

    If you want it to go away faster take some IP-6 capsules (building block for immune system). I've never had a lung infection, however I get horrific sinus infections from the swimming pool and this always clears them up in a flash. Hope this helps :) get better soon!
  12. Lil Dragonfly

    more blasphemy - rolling papers?

    Tobacco smoking causes cancer and pot smoking doesn't. Tobacco smoke causes more serious lung damage than pot smoke does. Compare the effects of tobacco smoking on freediving to the effects of pot smoking on freediving...enough...
  13. Lil Dragonfly

    more blasphemy - rolling papers?

    You know that they are less harmful when inhaled? Or they just appear to create less smoke?
  14. Lil Dragonfly

    more blasphemy - rolling papers?

    Thank you bluntfaced :)
  15. Lil Dragonfly

    dangers of non-homegrown pot

    My friend says that when you buy pot it is contaminated with dangerous non-food-grade pesticides/herbicides that fry your liver. Is it true? (If so, that would explain why my friend who is a heavy smoker has skin the color of a yellow crayon) Please help, I can't really grow my own because my...
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