Purple-Days availability

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Well-Known Member
SSS said:
you're on the right track.

judging by the latest posts on this thread the order number is somewhere in the mid 2900's. i'm about 100 away.

as tom petty said..."the waiting is the hardest part". why? because my throat and lungs are roached and i want to be able to say "fuck combustion" too! :lol:
amen to that

im waaayyy late to the party lol i should've switched a loooong time ago to vapin, ugh wish i would've found this thing earlier

ive still got a ways to go but w/e

worth it


mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
yeah, same here. i hadn't been a regular smoker in years until i got my medical card. things have changed quite a bit since those days.

i see the light at the end of the tunnel though and i know i wouldn't have been satisfied with anything other than a pd as my first vape.


Well-Known Member
I know Im disappointed ordered mine the 12th of Oct... like 15+ weeks ago order number 2889.. I guess Ill just see it when I see it. Anyone have any clue what number we are on


Well-Known Member
kingjames23 said:
I know Im disappointed ordered mine the 12th of Oct... like 15+ weeks ago order number 2889.. I guess Ill just see it when I see it. Anyone have any clue what number we are on
Last page said around 2900 I'm pretty sure someone in the 2900s got theirs so I dunno wut happened with yours that is pretty lame if you were skipped or something

where you from?


Does anyone have a clue about how to get a PD in Europe (except having friends in America...)??

Do you think the constructor will ever change his ordering policy ? Is it worth trying to write an e-mail to try to convince him to make an exception ? Maybe with an extra fee for registered shipping?


Well-Known Member
Schotzele said:
Is it worth trying to write an e-mail to try to convince him to make an exception ?
Sure. I would. I'd ask him if there is anything in the Netherlands that he would really like to have that he can't get in the States and offer to ship him that in exchange for an exception to his shipping policy. Knowing Tom the little that I do, he probably won't go for this, but it's worth a shot. If ya don't ask, you'll never know.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
lwien said:
Schotzele said:
Is it worth trying to write an e-mail to try to convince him to make an exception ?
Sure. I would. I'd ask him if there is anything in the Netherlands that he would really like to have that he can't get in the States and offer to ship him that in exchange for an exception to his shipping policy. Knowing Tom the little that I do, he probably won't go for this, but it's worth a shot. If ya don't ask, you'll never know.
You know what I was wondering, Shipping outside of the US causes problems because of the Power Adapters right? (well that and sometimes it doesn't make it through customs)
Is it possible to sell outside of North America without the power adapter? I mean, yeah, the customer will have too provide their own. But if the adapter is the cause for concern, it would be a possibility to sell the unit without the parts that make it difficult to ship.
but I could be wrong about the power adapter bit, if I am, then disregard the above statement.


Hello there and thanks for your answers

I think the plug issue can can be fixed with a voltage adaptor and a plug adaptor which I can get anywhere for a couple of euros, that's definitly not an issue I guess !


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
DevoTheStrange said:
lwien said:
Schotzele said:
Is it worth trying to write an e-mail to try to convince him to make an exception ?
Sure. I would. I'd ask him if there is anything in the Netherlands that he would really like to have that he can't get in the States and offer to ship him that in exchange for an exception to his shipping policy. Knowing Tom the little that I do, he probably won't go for this, but it's worth a shot. If ya don't ask, you'll never know.
You know what I was wondering, Shipping outside of the US causes problems because of the Power Adapters right? (well that and sometimes it doesn't make it through customs)
Is it possible to sell outside of North America without the power adapter? I mean, yeah, the customer will have too provide their own. But if the adapter is the cause for concern, it would be a possibility to sell the unit without the parts that make it difficult to ship.
but I could be wrong about the power adapter bit, if I am, then disregard the above statement.
I was lucky enough to get one of the last international ones. They didnt get shipped with the power adapter. I've got my own, it's a very easy thing to find in any country. But i think parcels were going missing, and some people couldn't cope with finding the power adapter etc etc.


Well i've just sent e-mail requests about it. Let's see what pops out. I'll keep you informed ;)

EDIT : answer was a frank NO :(


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to jump in here and say that I'm order #3859 and I ordered last night or today in the wee hours of the morning, I can't remember. Anyway, I noticed when logging into my vapenow account today that the price went up nearly 50 bucks! Wonder if I'll get mine before Spring?


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
We ship to Amazon somewhere in Indiana (for Vapenow.com). From watching the posts and the timing of our shipments, I think Amazon turns them around in a day or so and they head back out to the customer. Not sure about what approved or any other label means, but, it seems they have them in hand before any changes in status are made. :2c:

I wish I could snap fingers or blink and eliminate the waiting period, instead it just takes steady work, and that makes a steady (but limited) flow.

* * *
About the Purple vs. Paisley... I think I have said it before, Vapenow has the waiting list and knows what ratio they need to fulfill orders. They place an order with us for x# Paisley and x# Purple. They are trying to keep them even, as much as possible, and we build them as needed. :cool:

So, I suggest you order what you like. Ordering one or the other will never get you a unit quicker, other than pure chance on the week our shipment arrives at Amazon. And since we are all doing our best to keep the list even... why not get what you want?

* * *

Which brings up the 'Either Style' choice. With the above described attempts to keep the list balanced, 'Either Style' just means you didn't make a choice, and the choice will have to be made for you.

As I described, Vapenow places an order with us and gives us a count of Purple and Paisley based on who is next on the wait list and what they prefer. Let's use the number 10 to keep things simple. Vapenow looks at the next 10 orders, say 5 Purple, 3 Paisley, and 2 Either. Since Vapenow doesn't care what the 'either' s want, they say, Tom 5,3,2 .

I have news for you... Since I pay to have the laser logo applied and have to take them to the laser shop and wait on their return before I can proceed, that order is for 5 Purple and 5 Paisley.

In Other Words: All orders for "Either Style" are really just orders for Paisley. Cause if you don't care, why would I?

Either = Paisley

This is a kinda disturbing post you wrote here.
I am sure that it is not that ppl "don't care", but just want to speed up things.
I did chose [Either Style] to speed up time and also like to gamble as I do with cards.
Now, that I found this post about the "Either = Paisley", the gambling element is out and I am not sure if I did the right thing.
What is the deal with the Paisley style anyway? If ppl prefer the purple one, then why don't just drop the Paisley altogether. I won't use your words and say that ppl "won't care", but this will make the things more simple, at least until all is back on track.

Anyway, my order number is 3863, made today.


Amongst the corn
neilito said:
Just wanted to jump in here and say that I'm order #3859 and I ordered last night or today in the wee hours of the morning, I can't remember. Anyway, I noticed when logging into my vapenow account today that the price went up nearly 50 bucks! Wonder if I'll get mine before Spring?
Umm, still says $180 to me.. It's been $180 for a long time. Tom didn't even sell these at $130 ever that I am aware of?
Check again?


Well-Known Member
indigal said:
neilito said:
Just wanted to jump in here and say that I'm order #3859 and I ordered last night or today in the wee hours of the morning, I can't remember. Anyway, I noticed when logging into my vapenow account today that the price went up nearly 50 bucks! Wonder if I'll get mine before Spring?
Umm, still says $180 to me.. It's been $180 for a long time. Tom didn't even sell these at $130 ever that I am aware of?
Check again?
True. $150 was the price before it went up to 180.


Well-Known Member
Fail, you quoted the post... didn't you read the part, "So, I suggest you order what you like." ? Read that section again, it says that there is no advantage to ordering one color or the other. Choice of leather color will not, 'speed things up."

Also you say, "What is the deal with the Paisley style anyway? If ppl prefer the purple one, then why don't just drop the Paisley altogether." I don't know where that came from. This week's shipment is almost 50/50. Generally it's 75/25 in favor of Purple with logo, some folks want no logo and that is part of the Paisley kit, it goes beyond leather color.


Neilito, the PD was $150 from day 1, to a long while ago, when we went to $180. Lots of things including our materials and shipping went up. Remember when Gasoline was under $2? Yeah, everything went up, bread, fuel, PDs . . . you know?


Just to make it clear... this is from the Vapenow.com PD page. "Rule #4 : Due to issues with power supplies and warranty coverage, we're no longer able to ship the Purple Days outside of North America. Any orders shipping to addresses outside of North America will be canceled."

Due to the high cost of trackable shipping ($50+) outside North America, warranty coverage would be impossible on a low cost item like the Purple-Days. And leaving folks to their own resources to supply the right power (without a ton of e-mail) is impossible. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
Remember when Gasoline was under $2?
I remember when it was hovering between 28 to 32 cents.

But then I walked 10 miles to school in the snow with holes in my shoes.......;)


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
Fail, you quoted the post... didn't you read the part, "So, I suggest you order what you like." ? Read that section again, it says that there is no advantage to ordering one color or the other. Choice of leather color will not, 'speed things up."
I placed the order before I found your post, so I made the exactly same assumption as everybody else.
I am not sure if you can/want to answer this, but can you give an estimate in weeks for an order(either style) placed today shipping to US? Don't get mad at me, I am just trying to be friendly ... ppl are diferent and don't think alike.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
fail said:
Purple-Days said:
Fail, you quoted the post... didn't you read the part, "So, I suggest you order what you like." ? Read that section again, it says that there is no advantage to ordering one color or the other. Choice of leather color will not, 'speed things up."
I placed the order before I found your post, so I made the exactly same assumption as everybody else.
I am not sure if you can/want to answer this, but can you give an estimate in weeks for an order(either style) placed today shipping to US? Don't get mad at me, I am just trying to be friendly ... ppl are diferent and don't think alike.
Vapenow states 10+ weeks


Well-Known Member
Neilito, the PD was $150 from day 1, to a long while ago, when we went to $180. Lots of things including our materials and shipping went up. Remember when Gasoline was under $2? Yeah, everything went up, bread, fuel, PDs . . . you know?

Sorry guys, you are correct. For awhile when I went to vapenow it said 235 but maybe I was being shown the Canadian price? When I checked again just now, it was listed at the original 180 price. I wasn't complaining about 180 price--I think it's a good deal and am stoked about getting to try it out in the near future.


Well-Known Member
DevoTheStrange said:
Vapenow states 10+ weeks
I know, but that statement is more than a month old. I was wondering if there could be a miracle and waiting times got shorter.


Well-Known Member
Not mad Fail, at all, thanks for your input. It is a certainty that not everybody can be expected to read that particular post. So they can't know the thinking behind it. And ordering either, might make some folks think they are getting ahead of another. But, the only fair way is to keep both lines even (as possible).

But how do you get those points across, in a simple purple / paisley / either buy button? I didn't think it was an attractive option, I didn't suggest it. But I leave those things to our trusted retailer VapeNow.com.

About wait times. I think Vapenow updates when there is a change in status, or when the last update has a stale date. So unless there is a change, going into a website and re-loading it to the host, for 1 line change (the date of the update, with no ETA change) is not something you do every day.

Yeah, Neilito, Canadian funds and exchange rates can blur things sometimes.

Man, Lwien, 35 cent gasoline for a Beetle and 18 cent hambugers at White Castle. Sherman hit the WAY-BACK Machine. 50 cent packs of cigs... 25 cent loafs of bread. Then the Arab oil embargo... Hmmmm. :lol:

Edit: L, my school was uphill both ways. Mom gave me a warm potato, hand warmer and lunch too. :tup:


Hello guys ;)

Just a little suggestion here :
And leaving folks to their own resources to supply the right power (without a ton of e-mail) is impossible
Instead of exchanging a ton of e-mail, writing down the detailed instructions relating to power issues once for all and publish it somewhere on the Net might work too ;)



Well-Known Member
Schotzele, our FAQ page, http://purple-days.com/FAQ.html , has a heading called: Can I replace the Purple-Days transformer? and says, "Sure, if you break a cord or plug you can replace the wall power with a
12 Volt DC @ 1000ma (1Amp) power supply. The plug end is 2.1mm x 5.5mm Type M DC power plug wired center Positive or Negative." But some folks just go cross-eyed when you speak about Volts or Amps.


mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
when i initially ordered my pd is picked "either" in the hopes it would make things easier for tom and vapenow. when i found out "either" was really "paisley" and did nothing to improve the shipping time i changed my order to "original".

the "either" option at vapenow is pointless and it would be better if it was removed altogether.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what # we are on for shipping pds out.....im 3538, but i havent even reached the 10 week mark yet, so im content to wait, just a little curious is all...if anyone knows.
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