The #1 thing to fix this world.


some of you will think im crazy, but i hope many of you will agree.

our planet has run rampant with evil bastards who took control and are now running the show. They have their own agenda and I feel that the majority of the human race does not benefit from it.

Being that i come from a 1st world nation I should have nothing to bitch about right? Well I have lived in "poverty" before. I know what it's like to go hungry sometimes. I have also had to face homelessness on a few occasions. I've wanted to" check out" and just end my life as it's a sure fire way to end my suffering. But you know what? If I do that then the evil wins.

In my opinion the biggest threat to the planet atm is capitalism. Yep capitalism!

Just like communism, in theory its a beautiful thing. But let us get our fingers into it and like always, those who are greedy push for more and more and more! WHEN WILL YOU HAVE ENOUGH? studies show that generally when a person make $75000/year then the happiness achieved through material acquisition ends. (one source: It makes me sick to my stomach to think that we will cheat, steal, abuse positions of power for personal gain. I'm guilty of this too I wouldn't try to say otherwise. eg. when we were young i kept extra easter eggs from the hunt and horded them for myself so i wouldn't have to share em later. who has never "sinned"? I'm getting off topic though.

we have clever people running wallstreet but there is a simple philosophy i stand to. when something is purposely made over complicated it is because it has been designed this way to create loopholes or cover up a cheat that is happening. people are cheating and sucking the life blood out of the system and hurting us all as a result. and why? personal gain!

I feel we are distracted, divided, dumbed down, and have been deceived. Presidents and Prime Ministers are puppets to the real owners of the countries: greedy capitalist pigs. It blows my mind how the top 1% of the USA owns 42% of the nations wealth while the lowest 80% only get 7% of the wealth.

the top 1% of the population owning 42.7%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50.3%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%. During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.

How would I fix all this?

- Maximum wage cap (fuck off with your greed! how much do you really need?)
- taxes that are actually fair.
- eliminate banks and all current currency that is based off of current banking practices. (fractional reserve banking etc..)
- establish a universal 1 world currency that does not suffer from inflation because we are not just printing more and more all the time.
- triple minimum wage and anyone who falls under that

Take apart corporations. their greedy psychopathic ways are over and not wanted in this new world.

Services that would be free for everyone:

- Compassion and love (hate grows hate and as so love build more love. lets start caring for one another and fighting less. I believe that the human race is capable of evolving into something so much more than the "cave men" we are now. Core values will be: loving your fellow man, trying to understand rather than criticize others, acceptance of differences; everyone is unique and capable of achieving incredible things we need to recognize and utilize these things. )

- Education (including all the things that are not taught: Social compassion for one another, farming, cooking, trades, all the things that the current world wants us to forget so that we will be utterly dependant on them.)

- Housing (you absolutely have the option to upgrade and modify your home to however you please. but everyone has a place to stay.)

- Food (no one will starve under my watch)

- Job placement (helping people from a young age target their skills and abilities helping them become the best they can be. this way they will be prepared to strive fro their goal. Whatever that may be. artist, cook, naturalist, all of these things have a value and further the human race imo)

- Health Care (if you are sick you will be taken care of money is not a factor here)

- Retirement (you will not need to save for your retirement that's taken care of)
I don't know how we will pull all of this off but I think that it is possible. for that to happen we need to put everyone on the same level and ease our bank accounts. I would also be open to doing away with the idea of money or credits all together. I just don't know how it would work.

then we rebuild! Lets get it right this time!



thank fuck for your reply! haha thought the thread was too crazy for anyone else to handle...

thinking about mailing this out to everyone i know... or a revised version. but im afraid...


Developing Connoisseur & Vaporist
You aint crazy, it inspires me too. But I just dont really know what to say to all that, seems like a well thought out post. I can say I agree with your post, imo the biggest problem is how society and the higher powers dont give a shit about us, Same with large corporations. I work in a restauraunt, and it makes me sick how much food gets wasted on a daily basis. And then theres the food industry, I ate alot of junk as a child but now barely ever eat it, but really if they wanted people to be healthier they would do somethin about it that goes for medical care too. Not to mention how they dont give a crap about poorer places where people are starving... And from what I gather not even the planet its self anymore? Either global warming was a conpiracy to make Al Gore money, they just dont care, or they think its too big of a problem to deal with, cause I havnt heard anyone say anything about it in like 3 years.:huh:


Vapor concierge
i think this plan has too much free stuff for the people. Free stuff means taxes and gov't organizations that inefficiently administer it.


I'm afraid that its human nature to be greedy. If not, society soon drills you into the need to be greedy. Which is so sad.

I believe there is no simple fix. The people in power will not easily give it up.

If you think about it, there is only one thing throughout history that has improved our well being, and that is technology. We are no better off as a society as the stone ages, except we now have many more things automated for us like Washers, Driers, Automobiles, Airlines, Stoves, Microwaves, refrigerators..... the list goes on and on. I believe that LEDs, CFLs and other low wattage light sources coupled with geothermal, wind, solar, and Tidal energy together with Hydroponics are the key to our future.

Which brings me to my hypothetical question. I keep hearing and reading about freeloaders and how everyone needs to "contribute to society". I've complained myself. But do we really need everyone in society to be working and contributing if technology allows for us to not need to? I can think of a few people I know that I wouldn't trust any job with.

Am I starting to sound crazy myself? I wonder sometimes, :brow:.


Looks like your watch is pretty similar to our country... :D

i'm sorry m8 i dont understand. are you telling me to come live in France? :D

imo the biggest problem is how society and the higher powers dont give a shit about us, Same with large corporations. I work in a restauraunt, and it makes me sick how much food gets wasted on a daily basis. And then theres the food industry, I ate alot of junk as a child but now barely ever eat it, but really if they wanted people to be healthier they would do somethin about it that goes for medical care too. Not to mention how they dont give a crap about poorer places where people are starving... And from what I gather not even the planet its self anymore? Either global warming was a conpiracy to make Al Gore money, they just dont care, or they think its too big of a problem to deal with, cause I havnt heard anyone say anything about it in like 3 years.:huh:

I believe the system is rigged against us and designed to steer us into becoming zombies who will do what the media tells us is right.

I believe that depression is the natural human reaction to the realization that we are getting fucked and we are getting fucked hard! I think those of us who are no depressed are living in a fantasy world and don't see the truth or they are just profiting from the system we have.

20% of the USA owns 93% of the wealth. 20% is still a decent chunk of the population (That's 70 000 000 Americans out of 350 000 000 who are living comfortably, or are filthy stinking rich) . maybe they are OK not thinking about it all because they are comfortable. I think we can all be comfortable and there would still be plenty to go around! if 80% of the population is surviving off of 7% of the countries wealth then what does the other 20% need with 93% of all the money? Honestly??? I think the world in general could put that wealth to better use!

A friend of mine worked in Africa building houses for people and he told me that people over there would literally kill for the food we throw out in a daily basis. here in the western world and most places really we don't eat for survival anymore. we eat for enjoyment. as a result we have become wasteful as the main objective has been lost. tons of people binge eat as a coping mechanism for this daily life. i used to be one of those people. growing up a little has taught me the error of my ways. I eat a lot less meat now too. but i still love it...

I agree with you a lot of the food i see on the shelves are straight up poison.

if you believe in what im saying then you may believe that this elite group are working together. call it whatever you like: New world order, the PNAC, the man, the 1%... whatever, I think they are all working together. why wouldn't they? the movers and shakers of any industry either partner up and become allies, or are enemies and one or the other is obliterated and absorbed. Once your enemy is gone and you are all pals, it become easy to run the show. What if you got to the top be being sneaky, greedy and evil? you are probably not going to have your fellow man's best interest at heart as it's not been you motivation at any point so far...

i think the majority of the system is rigged to keep us busy and distracted.

- get you into debt. once you are in debt you are basically a slave now.

- use society to police ourselves

-school i feel teaches us to be great regurgitators, but not very good thinkers. heaven forbid we come to a different conclusion than the accepted one.

- we poison our own environment, killing ourselves in the process.

- the main things that kills humans are things we do to ourselves... eating fatty/salty/delicious and unnutritious food. smoking tobacco, lack of exercise. if we cant take better care of ourselves then wtf??? but the system is rigged against us. the man wants us to churn out his products and services for the sole purpose of personal financial gain. usually they do not care about you or your safety.

- the medical industry is in the practice of treating symptoms, not finding the cause. they are interested in selling Rx not actually making people feel better. now i am grateful for medical advances.. I would probably not be alive today if it wasn't for them.

Industry hates environmental intervention it's costs them money and slows them down.. Harper just slashed the budget on the environmental sector so that now the industry gets to regulate itself... HAHA what a fucking joke!!!

I went to school for environmental technology and believe it's hard to find work in the field. I apply to a job that only needs high school and a few certs (which i have and more from my college courses) and i lose the job to guys with 2-5 years exp working in the field... there are entry level positions being taken by experienced people (there deserve the job i'm not bitter about that) but it speaks volumes about the job market.

i think this plan has too much free stuff for the people. Free stuff means taxes and gov't organizations that inefficiently administer it.

I agree, It will be really really hard to keep people honest, but I think if we all gave the system a shot and saw how great it could be then I like to think we would make the choice to do the right things in life. not because we want to for personal gain, but because we know it's the right things to do. Ultimately I believe: one love, one mind, one spirit. ATM we are just fractured broken and sick. I want unity. I don't think I'll even get to see it in my lifetime, but maybe... I have hope. if not for me, then one day.

If you think about it, there is only one thing throughout history that has improved our well being, and that is technology. We are no better off as a society as the stone ages, except we now have many more things automated for us like Washers, Driers, Automobiles, Airlines, Stoves, Microwaves, refrigerators..... the list goes on and on. I believe that LEDs, CFLs and other low wattage light sources coupled with geothermal, wind, solar, and Tidal energy together with Hydroponics are the key to our future.

Which brings me to my hypothetical question. I keep hearing and reading about freeloaders and how everyone needs to "contribute to society". I've complained myself. But do we really need everyone in society to be working and contributing if technology allows for us to not need to? I can think of a few people I know that I wouldn't trust any job with.

Am I starting to sound crazy myself? I wonder sometimes, :brow:.

I wonder about human nature and how much of it is naturally programmed and how much of it is subconsciously taught from society/media.

I love technology and totally agree it made our live a lot better. I wish it wasn't so wasteful though. things go out of date and are made with obsolescence in mind. almost nothing is made with keeping it long term anymore. we live in a disposable garbage world. :(

I don't think your crazy either. I think it's the "normal: sheeple who are crazy.

Food for thought

there is enough to go around.there are no quick fixes.plant the seed and it will grow.

cheers for pointing that article out. 21 trillion US dollars hidden from the tax man eh? why am i not surprised. :(
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Well-Known Member
I think this is just a sign of our civilisation failing. troughout history there have been many civilisations, all collapsed, for varous reasons. I think ours i aproaching it's end. too old and rigid to adapt to new circumstances(peak oil, other dwindling limited resources, clashes with the environment and nature)
even if we manage to get trough some of the issues facing us, it will be only temporarly. the upper class will have to give up wealth and powert, wich they won't want. maybe they do it do prevent the complete loss of their power and wealth, but they are already established as the upper class and will try to minimise their losses.

lately I see more abd more people expressing thoughts/ideas like yours, and I myself have these thoughts too. I think this will build up, combined by pressures like peak oil, economic crisis etc, and will eventually lead to the collapse pf oyur civilisation. after that I expect a kind of dark ages, where we will be mostly thrown back to the technology around 1900.
my reasoning for this:
-we have machines making some stuff critical for our present technology, but the chain of technology leading up to making these machines isn't available anymore, replaced by the latest technology.
-a lot of our advanced technology will not be of any use when food and shelter become or main goals again
-the people that have the knowledge become isolated from eachother, infrastructure will partly collapse too(not maintained by a government)
-we won't have access anymore to certain resources important for making some technology, the resource could be depleted or mined at a faraway location(and if the trasport falls away, there is no access anymore)

I thinj the phase after that will be a time were farmers will gain powerm since they are the ones with access to plenty of food. rural communities will flourish, since there are plenty of farmers suplying food, a communityspirit and with machines failing farmers will need more human workers, so jobs will open up. people from the city will go to rural areas(this is already happening in greece btw)

in this tme new philosophies, maybe even religions will stand up. a new civilisation will form. in the beginning of this civilisation the excesses, greed and leaders of oyr current one will be mostly flushed out, so we can make a new start. this new civilisation will focus on ideals, on wealth for the people. a set of ideals willbe formed, structures will be formed. untill this civilisation again gets too big and old, by that time the leaders will have become greedy, abuse the good ideals where the civilisation is build on for their own personal gain. at first nobody wil notice, untill they take it too far, people will start to notice, and finally the cycle will begin anew.
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that's a great insight djonkoman. "a sign of our civilization failing" i'd be fully inclined to agree with you. thanks for that.

peak oil is a fantastic point too! but I think we will be able to carry on with renewable energy resources. I had a friend telling be about using plant oils and being able to made the body of a car with it! like plastic. I don't want to say plastic because I am not sure and have no source... but he was so enthusiastic about it and all of it's other uses I believed him. he was telling me it was all in this book he has. i suppose i could do a little googleing but not now I gotta go to bed. working in 8 hours again.

if only we could break the cycle of our human flaws and stop being evil.


Stoner Gear Peddler
Accessory Maker
I think you're right.

The world is really changing fast at the moment, things are getting very interesting. It hard to make predictions, everything could turn to shit, or we might just have a revolution and start a new world.
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
A simple fix math-wise.. would be to decrease the population of the earth.. Or extinct all human.. I am sure that Mother Earth will recover from our shit in few billion years.. I also think that is the reason for wars.. Just one nation takes the resources of other.. cuz they cannot support their population needs on their own..
I've heard that there was an obelisk somewhere on which was written some time ago that the population of Earth should not be more that 500 millions (i can't backup that data right now) .. or smth.. :D. otherwise we will eat everything.. :D
A quick fix that involves not so much death would be ... that everyone starts conserving.. Water,Money,Food... Cuz there is more food in the thrashes of some people than other will eat in their entire life.. There are few campaigns like .. Shower with your GF to save Water... and use energy saving stuff...
Abysmal Vapor,


god of nerds
for lack of a better place to put these thoughts i've been having lately, i'll dump them here. the intended "audience" of these thoughts would be idiots who don't see the corruption in capitalism... i'm coming across far too many of such folks. Of course, as a given for me, blasted=chatty so it's expanded on a bit. And obviously, a great deal of generalizing is being done.

A) How would you describe organic food ?
B) Why is it more expensive ?

I then go on to share with them a trimmed-down, less vulgar version of the following:

ANYONE with a brain should be able to connect the dots and see the choice we're given: Unhealthy or Expensive. I have to spell it out far too often that however you want to fucking spin it, that it's more expensive because it's less profitable. So you have average Joe A, budget's tight and, well, shitty food is cheaper, and thanks to "convenience" and the other dumbass excuses higher-ups invent to push on average joes (and janes) everywhere, it's all OK. I mean, it's more convenient, right ? What's wrong with that ? If we DON'T have a mcdonald's on every corner and a metric ton of by-products and preservatives in everything we eat, we're losing freedoms and going down a slippery slope that leads to......... health ?FUCK THAT MAN !! !! FREEDOM FRIES FOR LIFE !!!! *breathes*

And obesity is a fucking mystery ? REALLY ? The point is, too many people work for money, for things, for SHIT - not food anymore. Not really. We stuff our faces because we can, not because we need to. If people really worked for food, we wouldn't be obese unhealthy cancer and disease-ridden fucktards. We wouldn't allow such shitty nutrition and medical care if we weren't distracted by all the oogly googly shiny SHIT. ARGH. *breathes*

While production of food shouldn't be free, it should also not be a corporate-run profit-maximizing shitfest. They're no better than drug dealers cutting coke with baking soda (or wtf ever they use). Ultimately, in reality - food is far more important than pretty much anything else (assuming you like living). Yet in America, it's less important than money. Wow. Talk about a fucking disconnected society.

What a downer i am tonight... sheesh.
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A simple fix math-wise.. would be to decrease the population of the earth.. Or extinct all human.. I am sure that Mother Earth will recover from our shit in few billion years.. I also think that is the reason for wars.. Just one nation takes the resources of other.. cuz they cannot support their population needs on their own..

I've heard that there was an obelisk somewhere on which was written some time ago that the population of Earth should not be more that 500 millions

A quick fix that involves not so much death would be ... that everyone starts conserving.. Water,Money,Food...

your reasoning for war is a very good point. a one world unity would solve this...

George Carlin has a great bit about the earth and how it will be just fine without use. and it's true! the earth doesn't need us at all. but we need it. it's crazy how we don't act like this. Joe Rogan as well. the mold on a sandwich analogy.

regarding that tablet you mentioned. I think we have the technology today to support a lot more people that we could have naturally. I believe population is a potential issue. but I don't think we need to kill off a ton of people to do it.

@McNerdius - hear hear dude! I agree

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
regarding that tablet you mentioned. I think we have the technology today to support a lot more people that we could have naturally. I believe population is a potential issue. but I don't think we need to kill off a ton of people to do it.
I think that mother nature has its limits... Overpopulation of any kind would bring to extinction of many others.. I don't know if it you see a relation but.. for example 1 fruit before 50-100 years had the vitamin and other goodness containment 10 times higher that those today..
Reason for that is that She is exhausted.. and feels heavy of us.. She divided 1 fruit into 10 cuz she had to feed 10 times more children..
I sense that she does not have enough power to support such vamped humans.. who only suck its powers and give nothing back.. except pollution .. People become ill and old very fast.. and many of us have 1/3 of their life frankensteined by that weird Medicine .. via various peels and appliances that mostly maim our functions in order to keep a brain switched on without rest..
I got carried away a bit.. and think i am sounding like a Doomsday Priest.. but that are just my feeling to my observations of the human kind. :)
We must not fight against nature cuz that will result as Harakiri to Human race.. We should not let people live on technology.. but on nature... We need her support not technology.. it only makes us sicker ...
Abysmal Vapor,

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
My @#$%ing aorta.

Sorry, I'm selfish. :p
Don't blame yourself for being selfish.. is what the system makes you today :p.
I don't blame anyone for desiring to live.. Thats nature.. .. we poisoned our environment so our lives decreased naturally.. cuz if we live more.. everything will die , we'll it is happening..
If we cared more about nature.. many of us won't be suffering the health conditions we do now..
Abysmal Vapor,


im fully on board with the idea of green technologies. I think we can use technology with nature to our benefit. I will not try for one second say we aren't disgusting in how we regard the planet


Well-Known Member
a sentence I once saw in a dopcumentary that I think is apropiate here was about how nowadays all our environmental actions ae focussed on reducing our harm. making our carbon footprint as small as possible, etc. but that's the wrong aproach, instead we should ask ourselves what we can add. how will nature be enriched/changed by your existance.
another documentary I saw that same day was about a guy who did exactly that, he had bought a uninhabited island, and he replasnted trees, introduced new species to build an ecosystem, made paths around the island etc.
another thing ge remarked on in that documentary is that when he leads touists over his islands, they often mention when they see some big trees(wich he planted as small trees, it was some famous woodspecies, maybe mahoe or mahogany) that t wuld make a great table/chairs/guitar etc. while he says that he sees them as the trees they are, he isn't going to cut them down.

a concept I also really like is forestgardening. that's where you create a forest from all kinds of edible or otherwise usefull plants. (consisting of 7 layers, big trees, smaller trees, shrubs, harbaceous layer, groundcover, rootlayer and vertical layer, for climbing plants that can climbin the (fruit) trees)

I think humans and nature CAN go together. we just have to assume our right role in the ecosystem again. and I think that role is to manage and influence the ecosystem so that it benefits us. but since we are part of the ecosystem, it's in our own best interest to preserve the other species playing a role in the ecosystem.

I'm not practicing this myself yet tough, but I do want to be mostly selfsufficient on the area of food in a few years, I already have a vegetablegarden but now I'm still in the beginningphase, so I learn from it but the yield is not very big yet


Well-Known Member
I don't know how our current situation will play out , but I do have a stupid naive faith
in us humans.

I feel that nature is revving up to slap the shit out of us, and the result will be a smarter,
humbler group of humans that will use technology to clean up this mess and help each other.

Currently we have too much stuff that is not really needed while the rest of the world can't
even eat every day.
I was forced to pour bleach on food that was being thrown out at my school, so poor hungry
people would not eat it, get sick and sue the board of education.

You would think that the hungry could go to any school after lunchtime and eat whatever
was left.... NOT! :bang:


Well-Known Member
Looks really good. I will watch this right after I take care of business with some
pineapple express. Thanx, this looks informative.
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