Can you damage your brain taking repeated vaped bowls after bowl?


Well-Known Member
Wondering if vaping TOO much too often can damage your brain. I used to get insane closed eye visuals when going to bed, tripping BALLS....and now...all I get is darkness. The visuals were like my imagination going haywire.

Like geometric patterns of time I saw this face morphing into different facial features inside this dome like the Cerebal in X-men...

I dont trip balls anymore. :(

(psychedelically sensitive to marijuana)


Lost in Thought
I would think that the only risk of 'brain damage' you would run into would be -

A - If you are under the age of 25 and your brain is still in the developmental phase.

B - Repeatedly depriving yourself of oxygen by inhaling vapor/particulates/smoke and holding it in for a duration MUCH longer than your average breathing cycle your body does for you automatically. :2c:


Well-Known Member bi-polar and was going through depression...deep depression. But im cool now. I'm drug free for about 3 weeks. (which is good, because I smoked everyday for 2 years, so its progress).

It just sucks I lost the 'magic'. I had WAY more intense highs than any of my friends. They all would say I was describing LSD and stuff. Especially my 'spiritual awakening' episode, which hit me like a lightening bolt and I started crying out of joy.

Chase the dragon and you get burned....literally. :(


I would think that the only risk of 'brain damage' you would run into would be -

A - If you are under the age of 25 and your brain is still in the developmental phase.

B - Repeatedly depriving yourself of oxygen by inhaling vapor/particulates/smoke and holding it in for a duration MUCH longer than your average breathing cycle your body does for you automatically. :2c:

fuuuuck I'm 18. funny how the majority of smokers start when their brain isn't ready! people give up smoking in their late 20's... not speaking for everyone here but that seems to be the case.


Well-Known Member
Wondering if vaping TOO much too often can damage your brain. I used to get insane closed eye visuals when going to bed, tripping BALLS....and now...all I get is darkness. The visuals were like my imagination going haywire.

Like geometric patterns of time I saw this face morphing into different facial features inside this dome like the Cerebal in X-men...

I dont trip balls anymore. :(

(psychedelically sensitive to marijuana)

Seeing visuals or darkness on the back of your eyelids is NOT a sign of brain damage but doing anything to excess is not good for you.


Well-Known Member
no no no...prior to my purposely induced "over dosing" i had visuals. I enjoyed them. I actually had a it seemed. But now, after smoking myself stupid because I just wanted to pass out...I feared I singed my brain or something.

so prior to abusing MJ > visuals = cool
post abusing MJ > No visuals = not cool.


Well-Known Member
This is not damage, this is tolerance.

If I've quit it for a while and for a bonus I've been going through a lot of physical activity, then FINALLY reach a point where I can relax by myself with a bowl... I have the most amazing time. Visuals, insights, everything....if you have such moments seize it for all its worth.

After that period [unless I reset this cycle all over again] its never as good.... so this is normal.

So the choice is before you; are you a daily type of toker or does it work best for you to space them out to once in a special while?


shady ever heard of BHO ? Butane (extracted) honey oil?

super potent, very tasty when done right. delicious. :) most people who have never had it before describe it like discovering pot again for the first time.

if you know all this then im sorry :p haha!

on the subject of brain damage. oxygen deprivation is what causes brain damage, so to replace the O2 with anything else if done to a sufficient concentration could cause this. but really our next breath is fresh air, so your body quickly recovers. if you were re breathing into a bag for an excessive amount of time... maybe you have something to worry about. imo


better move on to harder drugs :lol:

or take a tolerance break. smoking/vaping everyday makes it less special, maybe take a week off and you'll have that "magic" feeling once again.


Lost in Thought
I also think that it might be strain dependent as well. Getting ahold of a strong sativa (i.e. White Widow or the such) might tweak your melon the way you are looking for. Its the one reason I DONT like that strain ;)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call white widdow a sativa, it's a hybrid with a lot of indica-effect in it, personally I don't really like white widdow either but because it's too much indica(if I'm with friends that's ok, but alone I fall asleep)


I Vapes Hard
Sometimes after a brutal cough, i see little visuals like a little fireworks show of light, small bubbles of light popping and reappearing. I can see them with my eyes open or closed. It usually lasts for only seconds after a cough. Ive had the same happen after a ruthless sneeze. If overdosing on herbs was possible, i would have done it multiple times a day. Thats why i love this amazing herb. I can smoke it like a chiminey and not feel it in the morning.


Noob Saibot
Wondering if vaping TOO much too often can damage your brain. I used to get insane closed eye visuals when going to bed, tripping BALLS....and now...all I get is darkness. The visuals were like my imagination going haywire.

Like geometric patterns of time I saw this face morphing into different facial features inside this dome like the Cerebal in X-men...

I dont trip balls anymore. :(

(psychedelically sensitive to marijuana)

When i first started (in my early teens) I had the same visuals. I saw tons of shit - like cartoons, gems, dragons, etc - much more than I ever did on acid, or shrooms.

A few years ago (and like 20 years later) I still see them, but lucky if it's even once a year. There was one strain that did it to me for a week or so, but I don't know what it was.

I would say as well, it is tolerance.

Weird shit is, I don't dream anymore, unless I didn't use anything that day. I would trade in any visuals, for my dreams again. When I stopped for a month or so, I got my dreams back immediately. I assume when I started, I had a bit of visuals again, but can't remember, or obviously it didn't compare to the more awesome feeling of lucid dreaming.


I Vapes Hard
^^^^thats quite interestng. Made me stop and think when was the last time i dreamed. I didnt think you could lose your dreams. Glad you got your dreams back bro!


Noob Saibot
A few people mentioned the same on this site...about losing their dreams.

My friend (and smoke buddy) stopped for a few weeks already, he said the same thing. He was amazed to have crazy lucid (realistic) dreams again.

Back in the days - I was huge on dreaming, and even learned to control them to a certain's possible a few ways. Nothing in real life can compare to being able to fly what seems to be real life.



yeah man i don't dream anymore on pot either. that or i just don't remember them! i've been saying that for years :) glad to see it's not just me :p

- Another thing to consider is why smokers tend to sleep longer on average. I believe that our bodies require a certain amount of REM sleep in order to feel refreshed and healthy.

- Since smoking marijuana reduces the ability to achieve REM sleep, it must also affect the ability to lucid dream.

- Smoking marijuana may alter short-term memory. Short-term memory is integral to recalling your dreams as your wake up.


If dreams take place during REM sleep, the question for us is: Does smoking marijuana interrupt REM sleep?
To address this question, Feinberg, et al. (1975) compared the sleep patterns of experienced marijuana users on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a placebo. Feinberg, et al. (1975) reported reduced eye movement activity and less REM sleep in the THC condition. They also reported a REM rebound effect, that is more REM activity, on withdrawal from THC. So,there exists some scientific evidence that marijuana interferes with REM sleep.

Feinberg, I., Jones, R, Walker JM, Cavness, C, March, J. (1975). Effects of high dosage delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on sleep patterns in man. Clin Parmacol Ther. 1975; 17(4):458-66.
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Noob Saibot
Fucking nice man! That means if you stop for a day or two - shit will get crazy!!!! I guess that answers OP's question - stop for a bit - and you'll get the crazy visuals back too?


Well-Known Member
I don't dream often for a long time already, from before I started smoking. actually getting high makes me dream more often, when I'm particularly high when falling asleep I usually dream, if I fall asleep sober or almost sober I almost never dream
just last night I had kind of a visual like the OP describes, usually I don't think in images but I do dream in images, so sometimes when I'm on the edge between wake and sleep my imagination goes crazy in images. last night I was halfdreaming that I had some kind of worm in my hands, then it jumped out towards my neck, and just when it was almost there(to borrow in) I woke up


Well-Known Member
well I still don't dream often, but more often then before smoking. but there was also a period in my childhood where I dreamed much more often, and very vivid. I actually remember that at that time I sometimes had memories of wich I wasn't sure of they really happened or only in a dream, I have a theory that maybe I subconscieusly blocked remembering dreams after that to not be so confused between real and dream, but well that's just a theory
I now also always have really crazy dreams that afterwards make no sense(like a cruiseship that acts as a ferrry to get over a ditch, and then it sinks), wich woud fit in that theory since such crazy dreams won't cause confusion, pretty clear it's not real
I've been a daily toker/vaporist for about 12 years now and still have dreams all the time. I've never had visuals from it either, not even the highest medical grade or hash.


Banned for life
I don't think repeated vaped hits can be "good" for your lungs, body, or brain. I never dream, or recall, not for YEARS.... and the rebound dreaming effect of quitting for a while doesn't happen with me. I barely dream, I barely even sleep for fuck sakes lol No herb = no sleep is the storey of my life :( Maybe unsuccessful quitting attempts, the longest being almost 2 months.


Well-Known Member
No matter how high your tolerance is, if you consume over half a gram of good hash in a small edible, you're going to get a little visuals :razz:

Hard mode: on an empty stomach
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To remember a dream you really need to remember not to move when you wake. It's really weird but true. When you wake up in the morning you should have the dream imagery still all there, and if you make a conscious effort to remember the images - the places you went to, the people you met and the things you did - you'll remember them. But if you don't, and you move my body, the images will get washed away like sandcastles by the sea. I can confirm this from my experience.
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