Ahahaha, dude, I have tried to email Ryan my suggestions.
No dice, no idea what caused him to ignore them. Each finger type of a key literally take one year off your life if you haven't heard........right now I just wasted 5 minutes responding to you....5 minutes that could have been used for ANYTHING other than responding to you...........I don't know how I'll sleep at night. Call my insurance company, the time it took here really took a toll...... I could have gotten a Milaana done in the time of this message!!! WOW dude, you're really stressing my time clock, here, spending a few minutes responding to you..........I'M SO TIRED
Fact is, if you don't want your business to be considered "ran like shit" don't run it like shit. Maybe its of your opinion it isn't? It's of mine that it is?
Is it fair for me to say that NONE of you have ever had the CEO tell you to not buy their vape??? Curious??? When you all inquired about your last vape, did users of it tell you to stfu about it??? Did Seibo tell all of you with the VXH to not buy it??? Just curious, seems like maybe my experience was common??? Please share your experiences about ANY company telling you they don't want your money because you sent them an email through their fucking customer service channel asking questions????
I'm still waiting..............he probably didn't ancitipate that I would share my experience, but I will, without question, PM anyone on reddit or FC telling them about how horrible his company was ran. Is that being fickle? Petty?? No doubt. That said, it's a pretty rare occurrence....still waiting on the example.......I should share my unique experience no????
I can go to fucking Kmart and they'll try to sell me on their shit product, the fact he doesn't speaks volumes.
He should of thought abougt that. Not my fucking problem. I don't mean to take it out on you in particular Kero, because like I said at the top I like your posts alot and they are very helpful. But this comes across as very frustarrting to me. People need to open their eyes and not admonish or excuse being a piss poor person or rep. I've dealt with like 14-15 people and RBT i the only one who acts the way he does.....I'm sure it's all "par for the course'.....I'm sure it's all "regular for the industry"........Get real. Don't be fooled into thinking you have to accept shit as a product/service. The only shit you are accepting is your standard.
Peace and love the Z team but I honestly get so annoyed reading things.said I'd quit this thread, couldnt help myself.....maybe I take it the wrong way....just seems like complaints get minized into the "oh wow this typical bitchy zion customer :eyeroll:" but fact is, plenty of people have just never outright dealth with a company as unprofessional. Like I said, I've never had anyone turn away a sale becasue they had questions.....STILL WAITING........(Show me the link of the post....I'm still waiting....show me the link of the CEO telling you not to buy their product for any company....you can screen shot the email and link it ot imgur.....you can PM me on here.....lots of options......yet I'm STILL waiting.)
I am in the preproduction design of a vape. I hope some of you try to buy it, and I hope I can tell you no. I'll make sure I have a schmucky ass FAQ to admoish my responsibility. Should cover about 68% of things.....that certainly gives you a good idea of what I mean right???? It's past the point of being polite get fucking real.
Why was the Grasshopper thread though, used as a comparision? It's almost like those that make shitty updates should stick together? LOL. I challenged people later to use another thread about a vape that has had a beevy of problems, funny to me that the GH is the first vape mentioned as having so many problems they can't garner good information. Sounds alot like this thread. I challenged people about that ewarlier though, guess challenge is not accpeted. Zion and Grasshopper.......such amazing tech.
Peace, out. I'm done with this. Perspective is so warped. Whatever.
(Kero I was just using you as a platform....while I vehmently disagree with some of your content/opinion in my quoted post, you are more often thatn not very heolpubl and impartial and I wish none of you ill will, but I do hope RBT's business flounders and fails. Spite, maybe (mostly) but I am honestly just fed up with it.......I'd appreciate if somehow FC could remind me about updates to the Underdog, Cloud EVO, JodaGlass, Etc, thread..............some reason I never get alerrts to that but I do get alearts baiting me into saying how shitty I think RBT is as a company.......I'm still waiting on your evidence of the CEO telling me not to buy their product........still waitng.....still waiting....OH but this is SOOOOOO typical of the industry........