Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The lifetime warranty is some quality service...I'm somewhat cashed on expenses for new toys, but this.....certainly makes me want to shift some funds around.
Also need to research it more in general. The on demand hitting is awesome but if it's battery is anything like the Firefly I will ultimately be disappointed.
Love the look though and certainly am keeping an eye out![]()
Battery nothing like the Firefly, much more efficient (and not proprietary!). Depending on your voltage dial you can get several bowls, I usually charge after 3 or 4, so they recharge quicker and not to drain, but have done 6 bowls too, depends how many hits perh bowl and temps of course, but at its lowest running batteries all the way down 5 bowls would be a minimum it seems...
Last night I hit Zion just 3 times in the car sober, full pack (my screen is still placed so there is like a cm or less of glass rim, I usually fill the screen i guess, but also fill full, how I did it my first beach weekend...) at just 40% with 10sec preheat and got very sizeable clouds and very stoned, heady energetic high corresponding to the low voltage/temp, just extracted a lot of pure thc at once really well. With the right herbs, pack, grind, preheat, draw, its just so rewarding I could compare it to a nice elevape puff too I think, quick and cloudy, heady and tasty.
Then at friends with his roommate (both daily combusters who also share an EQ, one has an Elevape for portable, other has Imag+ & Daisy and he began with a T1 a couple years or so ago like me, and they've both used all my vapes too) went really well, each got a hit using that aqua lab bent stem (got Zion screen wider with my pinky to go in there but after 3 hits it got loose with stirring so switched it up) and we each got a really nice hit at like 65% give or take, when sessioning less preheat required but basically the more preheat the stronger your hit, cloudier, heavier, cane make it quicker too (just don't hold button too long overall, 30sec max unless your at a low voltage perhaps).

(ALT bent stem, with half finished short stem bowl, still wanna get its joint cut down to fit better, and hopefully get a Zion screen seated better, though EQ screen kinda works and is closer to heater, I don't like em as much with their metal rim overhang and finer mesh)
We then switched to my inline honeycomb (still my best bubbler, its just so smooth, more manageable than 187 and plenty capable of big milky hits) for a few bowls, finsihing the bent stem one and packing another, all at around 75% getting us each 2 or 3 hits off a bowl. Then we tried a kief sandwich, broke up a kief puck with herb on top and bottom, ridiculous... Even added some more kief on top at like hit 6, kept it going even more with milky hits with like 7sec preheat or so, still 75%, I held Zion and trigger on bubbler for them while spinning it during the 10-20sec hits, was quite effective to say the least and pretty crazy to say more.
So yeah Zion can vape most anything, it can hit hard it can hit light, with clouds to spare regardless. I keep comparing the signature to Triihouse vapes bc of the full bodied way it hits you (and the natural body ofcourse, feels so great to use), but honestly its also kinda reminding of combustion (even though it's been over a year since I've done that intentionally) just bc it really can hit so hard. I definitely get great strong hits out of Firefly, Elevape, and Underdog, but I gotta say I'm not sure they're this good... the level of extraction with this heater and stem system is just phenomenal imo, with less maintenance more airflow, with less stirring more materials purity, more full bodied and fun frankly
Oh and even though it's not super stealth perhaps, with the right pants Zion is totally pocketable for out and about, even with the short stem loaded upright (even more so with lid on and short stem stored, which you can do even with a full packed bowl) you can just barely make out the stem's profile next to the sweatpant pocket seem below:

Is that a Zion in your pocket or...
Yeah versatile versatile versatile, full convection power at any temp, in a naturally wonderful portable body, on demand or sessioned with great battery life, its just such a full package I really can't get over it. Zion just becomes the daily driver so effortlessly
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