I dunno where it came from, but I had a flashback to 'bedazzle my vajayjay', although I have no clue where that comes from...
I'm really looking forward to taking Zion on a walk (atv ride for me, walk for dog), a *really long* walk (atv ride for me, walk and ride in back of atv with water dish for dog) to some of the absolutely stellar views we have from here and just sit there and play with the controls.
I'm wondering if I ask extra/ultra nice if I can get less chrome and more copper/brass/whatever for bottons and dials to get it a bit ready for what *might* (I stress *might* as it might *not* happen*) (I have a woodbutcher background, and would like to tart it up a wee bit, but would hate to flub structural integrity *or* general operability for the sake of something more *nautical* or *steampunkable*, if you catch my drift) if you *will*. (I'm giggling cause I'm #really# vaked and know a few grammarrarrarrians will be hitting the 'unlike' button most heavily right about the same time as I hot the 'post" button.... but I digress, as usual...
Just another highdea, brought to you by the mind that brought you, umm, tincture infused fine wines, ciders, beers, coffee, juice, and jellys... cause jam just don't shake like that... But being a reformed diabetic I dunno much about either, but I digress yet again...