RBT's post did remind me of
@HellsWindStaff though, who was spewing venom earlier in the thread towards RBT, and now has picked up a Milaana. I would think his opinion would be valuable to the mass of people who love to shit on RBT
I appreciate the kind words regarding the value of my opinion

and it's funny you mentioned that, as my interest was piqued more when I saw people with good opinions who spoke highly of the vape, but were critical of the development/company.
"Spewing venom" makes it sound so dirty

but the critiques from the "haters" has always been more more from an attitude & business standpoint. I still disagree with a lot of that, and feel a lot of the wounds are self inflicted, but this has been repeated ad naseum by myself and others in this thread.
I agree about everything regarding the namecalling and marginalization of opinion, but that too was discussed ad naseum earlier/throughout thread. Take a lesson from Hillary

but I also feel that mindset is not as prevalent as it was and things on an upswing! I took no offense to when RBT said silence the haters in his previous post a page back and I figured he meant let them see how the tech is.
The model of "sell Milaana to fund Zion" is perfectly justified and while I feel for those that pre0rdered, don't blame RBT for not having infinite money...
It's a business model and regardless of my opinion on it's justifiability (selling one vape to gain funds to produce the next makes 100% sense), my critique has always been in the line of, that's not what they signed up for. Again ad naseum and talking how business is ran has been discussed already.
I'm writing this, while using my Milaana

and I will be sure to tout the things I like about it to people looking for something like it. I just ripped some huge clouds, again! My goal when someone asks for opinion on a vape is to get them something that will work good for them and I've no stock in the success or failures of any company. I don't view any vape as the "best" and believe that one size does not fit all, but if it seems like the Milaana is their size I will certainly recommend it.
I am also a bit concerned because the mistvape will be coming out soon and it is mainly a cheaper version of the milaana. Depending on how they market it, the milaana may have quite a bit of competition. Do those of you involved with it think that it will impact milaana sales?
Whereas the Zion seems to be a very unique and special vape that the few users love. RBT is a great designer.
I confess that I wish if someone was going to copy one of RBT's designs they had tried the Zion.
I also want to say that I appreciate RBT's persistence with these products. Although it's finally been cloned the last time someone developed some beautiful wood creative vape (daisy/lily) they shut down the business. (and why does the brick seem to be selling better than the daisy did?)
I would say yes it probably would impact Milaana sales since it is a similar product (though IMO they compliment each other quite well) and half the cost. Before anyone tries to say it's not half the cost, it is lol
http://www.rastabuddhatao.net/apps/webstore/ $240/2 = $120 + shipping. The MistVape Touches are going now for $98 plus $10-15 shipping. You get some other stuff in the Mi package, but this is pretty black and white I, can buy two MVT kits and have them shipped separately for $226 or I can buy one Mi kit for $240 plus shipping.
I think to say it is a clone is a bit unfairly dismissive imo but just my .02. Vapes are a relatively narrow industry regarding innovation as is, and you can say the Mi has a strong case for just being a clone of a Firewood with simply a stem instead of a capsule. The concept of whats happening in the devices is basically identical, you have a cold device that takes an 18650, you trigger a heater underneath your botanical and pull air past the heater and than that hot air vaporizes your bud. I've even seen people use Hammer stems, and in that case it is even more like these 2.
Just my perspective on the idea of clones; I don't view any vape as a clone really other than literal Wulf/Weeke/etc type of rebrands.
Sticky Brick started once Triihouse already imploded, not sure if that's what you mean or not but it's not like SB ran the Triihouse products out of town. Triihouse had it's own beevy of problems regarding contact,stock, etc. This also addresses why the SB seems to sell better (I feel this way too), because SB does not have those problems and people don't like investing into a company where it may become a hassle down the line.
Cheers, back to TOUCH Mi Self