– I hesitate buying, no matter what happy supporting customers say. You can have a great product and a great company, but if it disappears one day the customer is SOL. The thermovape Cera is one of the best oil portables by lots of people's definitions, but with Thermovape gone I wouldn't buy a Cera if it was in perfect new condition, because the company isn't around to rebuild the core if needed."Truth be known, the best move for RBT is to cancel Zion and refund all pre-orders. Truth be known I may not even build beyond my obligation of the pre-order. But that would make me a quitter and that's not my style. I have invested much of my life and a ton of cash in this endeavor and not collected a dime so I am still "waiting for my Zion as well"
That's right! But what about the considerable power part?Do you know what the peak power output figure is on your FV? I always forget this one as it was so awkward looking...
Never the less it's good information even if ball parked.
Gives for a better power comparison between running 3 volt vs 3.6 volts numbers wise.
So we basically have 30 watts with 3 volt and 40 watts with 3.6 volts. Or 30% increase in power moving towards the standard 18650 voltage.
EDIT: in reading the responses, I want to convey that I am not stating that an increase in power is a good thing. Only what it is. The real quest is for longer lasting batteries and no options with the 3 volt LifPos.
Good stuff.
A quote from another thread: "Dave actually designed the Touch after we met in person and had a Milaana session so he could see why I enjoyed it so much, how simple it and effective it is etc)"
I doubt the RBT company will close especially now that he is connected to Alan. I still hope that we will see our Zions and think it's a mistake for those to be dropped after the preorders because of how much people love their zions but I think the association with Alan may be more appealing.
If I recall correctly the Milaana was released before the FW4. At that time the FW3 was not using 18650 Li-Ion cells, it was still those weak Ni-MH.
The Milaana was not the first vape to use a single 18650 but it was the first* to employ the new breed of high discharge IMR/INR chemistries with a novel heater using considerable power. Somehow it paved the way by proving it was more than adequate for true convection vaporization. (*: there were already documented uses in the BULLI thread with e-cig mods, and I don't remember but maybe some of the Thermovape products before that? And of course the Zion came even before but it has two cells)
Marc @ Firewood and Dave @ MistVapes just made their respective products evolve to embrace these new cells too, just because it was the right thing to do. The MV-Touch and the FW4 are less powerful than the Milaana but have longer battery life as a trade-off. They also have narrower vapor-paths. The FW4 is the most refined and featured, with extra settings and trigger-less operation, and it is partly regulated where the two others are completely manual... so quite a different product in fact.
The price of the MVT is likely to rise, Dave said it himself that's not a secret. It should be less distorted afterwards and I see it as a healthy competition. I'd like to test the MVT at some point but I'm waiting until it gets more polished.
The price is actually too low but I can stay at this level for now. I'm hoping to cut costs by being more efficient and getting better prices as I buy in bulk. I would really like to offer the basic unit for under $100 and then have more complete offering that include extra stems and screens.
So I'm just now noticing The mi-510 and I gotta say I want!!! Any deal for Zion pre-order holders?
Getting ready to purchase a few batteries and therefore I have battery questions. I read that the for a Zion to work properly it needs the batteries in pairs.
Do those "pairs" need to be new together or can one take, say two Milanaa batteries charge them together and then "pair" them up?
Bottom line do batteries for the Zion need to be brand new out of the box together?
I've been using my original zion ones with my milaana. I like being able to just add another battery when the one I'm using starts to fade. But I'm optimistic we'll see our Zions sooner rather than later since it looks like Ryan is following a clear business plan that puts them next in line. I like the batteries I bought at the RBT website - hopefully will have the option to add a pair to the zion order when it ships.It sure is recommended to use a new pair of batts. Used batts can't be matched like you want to due to different usage and number of cycles etc.
Don't buy your Zion batts too early - I've bought mine back in 2015... And they're still in the closet, unused. I bet I've lost quite some capacity until now..and still some more months to go![]()
Just curious who the 3 are. Are you including those of us who had to send our new models right back because they were defective?Hello Ryan, great to see the updates rolling in. Can the 3 of us perhaps get an update related directly to the return of our warranty units. We have been relatively quiet, and extremely patient. Do we get to celebrate any time soon?????
Hello Ryan, great to see the updates rolling in. Can the 3 of us perhaps get an update related directly to the return of our warranty units. We have been relatively quiet, and extremely patient. Do we get to celebrate any time soon?????
Thanks for the response Ryan, I appreciate the clarity. In the case that those RBT running jersey's are still an elusive dream, would you mind me getting your logo tattooed on the rear of my left calf? That way RBT still gets the exposure when I am pounding the Philly streets for the Rock n Roll halfer in Sept. And perhaps some exposure if/when I do the halfer in D.C. in March.