Well, now that the sale is over, I thought you guys should know that you STILL should buy this vape! At $199 with a three year warranty I am still looking hard for a better buy and can't find it. Before this whole process is over I will convince
@RastaBuddhaTao to put the retail price at $250 because it is worth so much more. At $250 I still think it might be the best deal out there. It's not just another vape option, it's what we have been waiting for around here...instant, huge, convection clouds on the road as good as we get plugged in at home. I don't think I've posted in this thread for three days, but I've still been reaching for the Zion that whole time...and that's the ultimate endorsement.
There are a number of vapes that I blew off because I didn't want to dick around with their batteries. What I have discovered, much like
@DieHard has, is that it wasn't the batteries but the vapes. This is the first battery powered vape that works well enough that I find myself wanting to dick around with batteries!
So hurry up and get one at $199 before rbt succumbs to me and starts selling it for more.