Maaaaaan I've pretty much only just figured out that the looser your material is in the stem, the easier the clouds will come! At least that is what my current experience is proving.
I can definitely get the good stuff with a tight pack but I have to use a much more controlled and longer draw which is not always conducive to the situation.
Either way I am loving my Zion so much! Johnny-5 really is totally dope and we have been having the best of times getting to know one another, and honestly, I think he's actually taught
me a thing or two . . . but with all those damn sexy pics being flashed around by the one & only TKW just lately I am getting really excited and rather itchy to hand over some more cash for a full production model!
Oooh & another thing . . . . although I'm sure it's already been said ('cuz I know our very own
@Shit Snacks loves a good ol' temp step sesh) but the Zion really does give you complete control over the extraction process - I think far more so than any of the other 10+ vapes I own . . . maybe the trusty MFLB is similar - but at the same time much, much slower. And I have even put some abv from another vape into Johnny to finish it off to a good and more acceptably 'finished' dark colour - and of course he was only more than happy to oblige with a few boastful clouds
I love the variety of effects multiple vapes can provide and so I will always have and use many vaporizers where possible as part of my daily routine, but I must say that for quite some time now, Johnny has definitely been taking the lions share of the action around here. And that is rather a lot btw.
I know I've said it before but I really am always very excited to give Johnny some love - morning, noon and night - Johnny's always got juice where ever I may be and that's something I do not take for granted.
And finally - a very warm welcome to all y'all fresh faced Zion adopters! . . . . It's an absolute pleasure to see you all enjoying what I'm sure will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship for many and if not all of you!
Such anticipation and excitement is intoxicating and I feel I've been completely off my face for more than the past few months now! . . .
Enjoy everybody!