Yes, it is early to comment on price. The unit was been shared with the public while still in the design phase in order to ensure sufficient customer feedback. With that said the stripped down Zion is evaluating more features... LED, master power switch, resettable fuses, etc that are increasing the size and price. Remaining committed to an American hardwood body is also a cost challenge. We are also evaluating the accessories that will be included... Carry bag, extra mouthpiece and screens, brand of batteries and Charger.
For people that already have the right high drain 18650 batteries and charger we will be offering the batteries and charger as an option which will reduce the cost for some customers. We will also eventually offer different capacity batteries and charger options so that will impact price point.
I would really like to know what the community here thinks it would be worth?
I can say the plan is to be 20 to 30 percent lower than the two portable pure convection vaporizers that are on the market today. There is a big void between the MFLB and the PAX/Ascent/Firefly that we are targeting.
The unit has provisions to use concentrate but we will be doing a concentrate specific unit as a vehicle cannot be a car and a truck at the same time

. With that said, it is a pretty slick method that is superior to most methods for running concentrates in a flower unit.