Greetings patient Zion customers. My apologies for the lack of updates but for legal reasons I have been restricted in what I could post here for the last 6 months. I am happy to report all is well and I now have regained my freedom of speech
With that, I have great news! I have successfully engaged a new manufacturer for Milaaana. Although it will take several more weeks to a few months until they are fully in control, they are already taking on the burden of the glass. This will free me from the manufacturing and supply chain workload to better focus on Zion.
I have recently added a Marketing Manager to the team. He will be working on the RBT brand, www, web store and customer service. As most know, I am an engineer and to have help with my CS and marketing from a professional organization removes a great deal of burden.
Lastly, Milaana sales have been nearly exclusively from FC so demand has dropped off. This is good in that we can now focus on the 250 units that are running remarkably well in the field. This community of early FC units have allowed us to find and fix failures in the first 100 units so we are not expecting many warranty issues moving forward. So, limited effort in the warranty area means more time for Zion.
Retailers: 420 EDC, PV, and Namaste - are giving www presence and handling the limit sales that currently exist... Again, spreading the work so that we can get back to a focused Zion effort.
The plan was to have Milaana all settled in with the last manufacturer producing a revenue stream months ago so I apologize for not making it happen but rest assured the Zion train is soon to pick up steam.
Heart felt thanks to all of you loyal Zionites for continuing to keep the faith.
FYI - If not stated on this thread recently... Zion blows the doors off of Milaana