@TeeJay1952 Even before that, no international shipping...
I was one of the ones who had to send theirs back. Actually I think that several zions went out and those who received them had no problems. The 3 of us were part of the first list of 20 but not necessarily the first 3. That means that at least 10 or more had no problems.I was super close to having my Zion, I had already gotten a pre-ship notice so I would say I was safely within the first 5 orders.
While it's been a bummer having Zion in limbo I have thoroughly enjoyed the Milaana. I ordered a second one and will be sending my first in for warranty work (my glass and wood bottom came loose, but only after a 12 foot fall from a deck with me on top of it, no fault of the device).
I have not communicated a ton with Ryan, but he's been really good to interact with and I will continue to hang out for the Zion and TOD.
I feel for the first three that had to send their units back, perhaps I would be more upset if I actually held a unit in my hands that was DOA (like the Grasshopper), but I only look to the Zion with eager anticipation right now, not with any angst.
I hope those requesting refunds recieve them quickly, and that those sticking it out will find the reward all the sweeter.
Uh, I've made the same request about three times already dude.
The last time was actually a few posts before yours......if you haven't already seen it.....and if you had....and still proceeded with your "me too post"....then I wish you all the luck you deserve.
But I'm not going to get into any bidding war with you though .....that isn't my style anymore than it would be for me to figuratively be jumping up and down waving my hands around in a post and yelling "Pick me, pick me.....I'll pay more" .....because I wouldn't.
But seeing how I haven't had any response myself to the three similar posts....I think that you will be SOL
Perhaps I will email Ryan and explain the situation....since I should have actually been able to have made a purchase when the preorders were still available for purchase but was not able to.....through no fault of my own....and if no luck there....then I foresee a Sticky Brick in my future instead of a Zion
THANK YOU @RastaBuddhaTao, @thekarmawhore, and all the beta testers! Great idea @IAmKrazy2! Special thanks to @Shit Snacks for the hint!
I've wanted to get a battery-powered vape back into my lineup for some time now, and I'm INCREDIBLY PUMPED that it'll be a Zion - love that it's convection and that it uses standard connections and batteries. This has definitely been one of my favorite threads to lurk with all the rave reviews, positive energy, and frequent updates![]()
Nailed it... Nirvana... Our line of concentrate devices. Stray tuned and @1_gr8_underdog will give you the first review... Bad news is we need to First... fly-on Zion
Glueless gal on her way to the oven... One cycle, so far so good. Man gotta say that really made me smile![]()
And I'm back. Seems that I had the good fortune of winning VegNVape's awesome photo hunt contest, and I am opting to wait for the Zion. Love the Mi, what I tried of it before I broke it at least, so it was a hard choice between taking a second one as a backup now or waiting on a Zion. After trying the Mi, though, I know that I'm going to love the Zion, too, and I love me some variety. So I'm back at the end of the line again, and while I'm very happy with how things have worked out, I do feel a bit guilty for ever dropping out. The RBT vapes are the real deal, and hopefully the fact that I know that now will make the wait a bit easier.
For direct draw the Zion really is king IMO. It still is my go to vape at home for direct draw sitting next to the Hebalizer, Grasshopper, Milaana, and others.
All i can do is praise the actual function and vapor quality of this vape.
I know that you are also a Daisy/Sticky Brick fan as well.....and I've heard awesome things about that vape for direct draw use and was wondering how the vapour quality compares between the two vapes....and if they are comparable .....except for the battery/heater vs torch heat source?
Well, for one thing the vapor will be completely free of any contaminants left in the butane exhaust...was wondering how the vapour quality compares between the two vapes
I know that you are also a Daisy/Sticky Brick fan as well.....and I've heard awesome things about that vape for direct draw use and was wondering how the vapour quality compares between the two vapes....and if they are comparable .....except for the battery/heater vs torch heat source?
butane exhaust...
At this point all I can do is laugh when folks say this. Is this the new meme along with 10% combustion???.....
Yeah, I hear ya and not trying to knock science, but I still don't feel comfortable with it. And, with so many other great vape options this has prevented me from trying any of them. Know many others who said the same about bic lighters for years - whether for lighting cigs or one hitters. Funny enough, one is the same person who tried to show me how dirty snow is now because when you melt it with lighter it turns black! But, that's another story.
Point is, I'm fine with butane jet on a lotus, vapcap, vapman or others. Heating THEN hitting I'm fine with. But, would rather not be sucking the end of that flame into my lungs. I know it is probably safe, as everything is burned. But it bothers me & why worry about it?