Dharma Initiate
so I do believe that the noise on the WWW is just a couple of angry people working hard to smear RBT and that is unfortunate.
I Feel compelled to answer because I chimed in on reddit thread. Reading it at this hour, I have 2 of the top 3 comments on that thread (some may say a way with words

Was debating posting even but I had users private message me thanks (both on here, and reddit) last time for saying what was ultimately on their mind......shame they feel they couldn't comment without fear of an attack. Let that sit and simmer....So, I am also doing it for all those people too, because, I have no vested interest either way, just my perspective, from reading both perspectives. Don't like people feeling like they can't say what's on their mind.
Unfortunately, it took awhile for me to get my thoughts down properly and concisely (it does feel more like walking on egg shells in this thread than others...). I don't want to go off topic or begrude the mood, so I tagged the book and broke it down into chapters

Actually, post was too long, and my formatting got wonky splitting it in two posts, so I just put all my thoughts in this document. Even easier for you to ignore if you want too, but I think it summarizes things nicely.
Cheers to you all. Hope I don't see a reddit thread like that again. While you can't stop it, you can take actions to minimize these occurances. Can't spell it out for you totally though.