There is some epoxy to seal the female glass GonG to the body though. Yes I love to nitpick, but you know how I am right?
Oh my! With all the beta testing of chinese stuff, I'm growing so tired of having to work through that robot fart smell that they all have when new. What a waste of my time! It takes hours of constant blowing and venting to get down to acceptable levels.
Really, the Zion is with the Firewood the vape I got having the least smell and off-taste when new and during use afterwards.
I counted 13 questions actually!

Won't answer them all, but let's try some...
>> Are there cheaper chargers out there than the i2?
The i2 is already super cheap. Go any cheaper and you'll likely get a turd.
>> I've heard battery life is very good, rough estimate anyone?
Between 4 and 10 stems depending on so many factors, hard to tell really. It does hit the batteries strong that's a given, it's a very powerful vaporizer. But the manual control means it's never wasting energy when you are not needing it.
>> How long do they take to charge?
I don't know, 3 hours something. Depends on cells and charger settings.
>> Is the button smooth and easy to press?
It's a strong button, very solid, gives a nice click, so I wouldn't call it smooth. Unless you have weak hands I see no problem here though.
>> Does anyone know the full range of temps of the temp dial?
It goes from no vapor to overdrive, meaning it covers the entire range of interest.
>> Concentrate hassle free? I know it's possible, but easy?
I don't do concentrates, can't help you.
>> I loved my Nano for so long (...) think this thing can hold up strongly against Logs in terms of effects/flavor/efficiency?
It's very similar but you can get vapor from cold under 5 seconds.
>> Is the vapor path all glass? What about the air path?
Don't worry, it's been debated to death behind the curtains and I'm known to be a paranoid nazi around here when it comes to materials safety. RBT got our collective green light.
>> What about the harshness when you're going dry? Tolerable?
I never tried it otherwise than dry. With the long stem it's the smoothest of all my vapes. I love the vapor density, the taste that is preserved much longer even at higher temps. I'm not even temp stepping anymore lately with Ashton, I just leave it at 65% for the entire session and it's a delight.
>> Negatives? Tell me everything you could possibly dislike about this vape
It requires a good amount of air flow like all convection vapes, so it's not really a vape that you can sip.
It invites you to take big and dense hits, and there's a risk this turns you into a cloud chaser even if it was previously against your religion! It can also skyrocket your tolerance because it's too easy and, did I say how strong it is? It's too strong, I keep repeating it. Ahston litterally blasts me everytime I use it... It's been the same daily for months now, I'm despaired!
I never stir, but as
@pakalolo said.
To hotspot you really need to hit it like an elephant and at max power. Obviously this never happens to me when using it dry.
Oh right! I love to look down at the blueish spiral vortex that forms inside the stem... It always swirls in the same direction, I guess like water down the sink?