Thanks for all the encouraging words and yes! lets drive the Zion train to the next stop!
I spent much of last weekend doing side by side comparisons of Pak's P2 (production unit #2) and 2x4#2. The end result is that initially the 2x4 is slightly cooler and the vapor is slightly thicker. Another way said is that P2 is a little hot and the vapor a little wispy. However, once warmed up the vapor quality was comparable. We have a good understanding of the variables at play and are in the process of building a plan to address the issues and will post it on the www this weekend.
Pak's unit was subjected to impact, over temperature, over current and short circuit test which all went well. After running the unit for a week it also appeared to run slightly better after the break-in which we have our theories on.
So, in the spirit of continual full disclosure Pak's initial unit Jessica stopped working on him. Given that it's his daily driver I shipped him the P2 unit that is not quite up to par (call it 95%) so that he has a usable Zion. It will also give him the chance to review all of the updates as well as test the low end performance of the latest configuration. As we all know, Pak will want at least a week with it before he makes any public comments. However, I have asked the Z-Team to post more here and less in the PM to try and keep all efforts front and center.
So, to get things started... Have any other Beta testers experienced a change in vapor quality, shift in temperature, inefficiencies or changes in your Beta units? I know that when Shit drops his he noticed a reduction in the vapor quality?
Please do be aware that most of the Beta units to my knowledge have functioned without issue and 2X4#2 is still going strong after months of use. I believe that the early units where over heated and generally abused in the Beta testing process and therefore I expect to experience some failures. Our core chip is from a highly respected name in the industry and has proven to be bullet proof when assembled correctly. With that said, if you are uncomfortable at anytime in the process please submit a request for a refund on our www.
For the rest of us lets look forward to Pak's new girl and the autopsy of his beloved Jessica... Don't worry Pak, we will get her all fixed up for you as I know you have formed a bond that will last for life.
I took a minute to stop by the park on a nice day and take a few pics of P2 before I dropped her in the mail to Pak... wonder what her name will be?