Noob question time: What is that and what is it used for?
Some ideas for the faq/manual:
Battery usage - I am a total 18650 noob as I believe some others are as well. I know there have been links and suggestions in this thread, but a simple guide would be helpful. Things like:
Dimensions would be helpful for people determining if it will fit a certain glass piece of theirs. I know there was a pdf earlier in the thread, but I think that isn't final.
- How low to allow the charge to get
- How high to charge to each time
- Should batteries be paired
- Should batteries stay in the zion between sessions
- Should batteries have positions swapped between sessions
- If possible, average battery usage. Since I know there are many variables, maybe you could use a basic amount (eg. .1g) and average how many .1g bowls can be vaped on two batteries averaged out over numerous zion users.
- Other ideas?
Information about the US joints required for adapters. It would be frustrating for a person not to know this and have the wrong adapter paid and waiting for their zion.
If possible, simple directions on how to find your own sweet spot when you first get the zion.
Thanks for the info. Your suggestion regarding battery life is exactly what I was looking for. I think that way people can get a rough estimate and then maybe a little disclaimer that there will be multiple factors that can slightly alter how many bowls an individual get.Nice ones fluff!
Many of your suggestions are already planned to be part of the instructions that will come with the Zion, good to have em in the FAQ too
Regarding battery life I think it would be 10+ bowls at .1g, and 5+ bowls at .3gg depending on other useage variables ofcourse. And we'll see for production units if anything has changed, unlikely though... Do you think that'd be a good way to do it? That way people may even get more than what it says, a nice surprise
@TheDudeNextDoor. That would have never crossed my mind. Having used 18650's for a while now it's just become second nature to store them properly. I think it was mentioned that they would be supplied in a case. Anything on proper safety and storage is worth mentioning.
Another item to consider: A note or two on batter safety.
Specifically, consider including a note that batteries should be stored in a case or individual sleeves when not in use, never kept unshielded in someone's pocket or whatever where it can short if coming into contact with keys or other metal objects.
Thanks @HD Springer I'm really just venting. I knew when I bought these screens I might not like them, though I was really looking forward to the elb's, it's my fault for buying before I had the Zion. Part of using a ubiquitous joint like 18mm was being able to use many things easily with the Zion, and the elb's seemed like such a great fit though.
......cantilever mount it to a water pipe there isn't much I can do about that.
..............I will no longer be posting any content on this thread but will drop links to things as they are updated.
Again, sorry for the confusion. Now that the initial production units are starting to ship we will turn our focus to the website and customer feedback.
Thanks again for everyone patience in this critical time in our companies development!