Zeal, Ω, and Epitome

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
Are you planning on selling the first batch with the Coil/PID or just head? if its just the head how hard is it to stretch a 22m coil and get it fitted nicely?

Zeal will require the coil to be stretched to 22mm length or using the Armor coil that is made specifically for Zeal (if testing with it goes well)


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
The SS is looking amazing! I'm curious does it fit on the "Rev J" version the Shovel-Head, or just the old one? Are you planning on selling the first batch with the Coil/PID or just head? if its just the head how hard is it to stretch a 22m coil and get it fitted nicely?

This thing looks awesome cant wait to get one!
I’m not sure if there is difference in the outer diameter between the two. I’m using a new shovelhead in that video. I thought the difference was one could accept injector but used the same diffuser style acception. Kits will not be available until second run, this is just for the housing unit currently.
With everything I have going on i didn’t have quite enough to be able to buy the quantity to get it to price I want to be able able to offer a kit at. It’s easy to stretch a coil, all I simply do is use a small screwdriver and put in between wraps and turn. Start at one side and evenly spread them doesn’t need to be perfect eyeballing it will do. I overstretch a little and compress it that tiny bit when I put the cap on.
Zeal fits about 210 balls. (When I drilled the hole in some wood to get a good guess I must have tore out a little on the edges or made a hair too deep.) the goal with zeal wasn’t to fit more balls though, it was to not waste heating calories and make it have to work harder than it needs to keep temps by heating unnecessary balls then working even harder to reheat the middle of the ruby furthest away from where the temp sensor is on the coil, extra housing material. I have not noticed any refractory with regular use and at 545.
I feel like I’m personally pushing my temp to the limit of where I like it (mocha brown abv after second hit no stirring) I feel the temp sensor will be more responsive to the actual heat we are pulling through this way. This why my coil requires a further stretch than most but doesn’t use as much ruby. Super excited to get these out to people. Got the listings ready. Will enable them tomorrow at 5pm Central time. If your in on preorder please shoot me a message if you would like to ship the SS head now (I will send you private listing, please do not share it with any one who isn’t preorder, any one who manages to get link for preorder cost and tries to place the order it will be refunded minus the cost of transaction fees and refund fees), if not I will hold onto enough until all Zirc preorders are claimed
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knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Sorry for double post. If you are in on preorder please message me in dm if you would like the private link to have SS zeal shipped separately Wednesday.
Also enabled UPS for international sometimes their rates are lower. Also feel free to reach out to me and I can cross check international shipping cost with all my shipping software outside the webstore calculator and see if I can find a lower price to pass the savings to all the international ents.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Ok guys so I think in one of the 1st to get their ss zeal and I've got to say afyer only a few hours I'M IN Love! This thing absolutely crushes a bowl in 1 big rip and then 1 cleanup hit... And it's doing that at 540-560 btw which is by far the lowest temp of any of my units
I've got mine filled with Zirconia right now and I'm going to fill it with sic tomorrow and really see what this thing can do, I bet I can get it to totally cash a bowl in 1 big rip it's just that efficient, I really can't imagine how much better the Zirconia unit filled with Zirconia balls is going to be
If you can you get one I really suggest you do



Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I would think Zirc would not hold heat nearly as effectively as ruby. Similar to boro, I would guess. I am surprised you don't rip the heat off them on the first draw.
No way, I've been singing the praises of Zirconia and other types of ceramic to anyone who would listen
I'm a huge fan of Zirconia and sic and they're both very different from each other, the Zirconia is phenomenal for flavor and the sic slaps you in your face
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Grass Yes

Staff member
In related news: mine arrived too (early). Just about ready to blast off:

Everything is ready but I am still doing the burn off.


No way, I've been singing the praises of Zirconia and other types of ceramic to anyone who would listen
I'm a huge fan of Zirconia and sic and they're both very different from each other, the Zirconia is phenomenal for flavor and the sic slaps you in your face
Do you use the clear gems or the opaque ball bearings? It's supposedly all ZrO2


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Do you use the clear gems or the opaque ball bearings? It's supposedly all ZrO2
I use and sell the ZrO2 balls and sic balls, tomorrow I'm going to fill the zeal with sic balls available see what it can do, the Sic balls smack you in the face and the ZrO2 are fantastic for flavor

Oh and one last thing, if you have a j hook with this piece USE IT, I just started and it's phenomenal, so freaking tasty and absolutely able to crush the bowl in without the long whip
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Grass Yes

Staff member
IDB suggested I stretch my coil a bit more. This is 545F:

I think I'm going to play with lower temps tomorrow. Very dark coffee grounds colored duff. Good vapor but I think I lost some flavor at that volume.

Very nicely done. I have some early thoughts but I will save them for when I am not stoned.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Apologies for the back-to-back posts. Hopefully other folks get the chance to share their initial thoughts on the Zeal soon.

I turned it down the 420F and I still got INSTANT vapor. Pretty great flavor too. I played around a bit from 400F to 520F and I think 450F is a nice sweet spot:


I'm not seeing really any reason I would bring out the B1 ever again, although I am still obviously in the honeymoon. It just produces right away even with a slow draw.

I can definitely one hit a bowl, but it also can choke me out 😂

@tinctorus I definitely recommend trying rubies after the ceramics. I am seeing great performance at lower temps than I saw in your video. It would be interesting to hear how you find it compares.

I'd say this is pretty great for a $40 head.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Apologies for the back-to-back posts. Hopefully other folks get the chance to share their initial thoughts on the Zeal soon.

I turned it down the 420F and I still got INSTANT vapor. Pretty great flavor too. I played around a bit from 400F to 520F and I think 450F is a nice sweet spot:


I'm not seeing really any reason I would bring out the B1 ever again, although I am still obviously in the honeymoon. It just produces right away even with a slow draw.

I can definitely one hit a bowl, but it also can choke me out 😂

@tinctorus I definitely recommend trying rubies after the ceramics. I am seeing great performance at lower temps than I saw in your video. It would be interesting to hear how you find it compares.

I'd say this is pretty great for a $40 head.
I've tried rubies but I like the ceramics better myself, I get 1 hit extraction and great flavor so I've been really happy, but fwiw for me personally I find 500-600 a good range for how I like to vape
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