I wonder if the magnet adjustment is something that can be done now, for this initial release or something to be changed for the
next batch?
@ZAM I saw that you said it’s an easy fix but that’s not the same as quickly; do you have to sell 10,000 that are in stock before the revision can be implemented? I guess what I want to know is, did you do a small run to get feedback and iron out any wrinkles or do you have a garage full of ZAMs? Please understand, I’m not trying to be a dick, I dig your vibe and your attitude; what you said to
@Alexis was the nicest thing I’ve seen in a while, on a forum that is chock-full of niceness. Disgustingly so, sometimes.
So I really like all the features packed into this cool little grinder and again, like BCG, dude outta nowhere comes up with valuable innovation, not gimmicks, to a product and blindsides the market leaders who have been doing the same thing over and over for years. New teeth and hole patterns, sometimes colours, was enough evolution for them. I love these guys that appreciate their customers because they were a customer who wanted something better and determined to run his business with honesty and integrity. Somewhere big companies lose that, it’s all numbers. I love that our hobby’s Industry has some really intelligent, kind souls who want to earn an honest living
and be good people at the same time. A remarkable amount.
But I really like that you get it all: “Blam, there’s the lot of it! Now put it together in whatever configuration you want.” For forty US buckaroos, ZAM gives you everything, which is great because what you want/need can change, even on one holiday trip. And that’s where this grinder would fit me, I think the black version would disappear in a toiletries bag. Zero compromise on the grind and lots of options for day trips or changing circumstances. If lost, it cost $40-get a new one! I haven’t been brave enough to even consider taking my BCG out of the house, the ZAM wouldn’t sting quite so much.
*-brief aside-*
Thanks again
@lazylathe for the epic write up and very nice pictures, you know exactly what I want to get out of a grinder review and part of that is PROOF. Show me the grind. I’m interested and want to know all the details and why this concept is different & better, but show me what it can do. I just wanted to say that over time, you have turned me onto some good stuff to spend money on. You, sir, got me on the BCG train very early on so yeah, your recommendation means something to me. To ALL OF US*.
@Ramahs and
@szai time for y’all to bring the heat! You two know a little something about grinders and I’m expecting great things from you both. Lazy’s alright and everything, for a Canuck, but I need to hear it from red-blooded ‘mericans! I mean, those Canadians are much too nice and polite to ever really trust**. And then there’s the language barrier, I’m not sure what they’re saying all the time and I’m pretty sure that it’s about me. USA!
*Us in this case being all of the voices residing in my head.

not jk

** That’s why I married one.