Your Least Favorite Song to Get Stuck In Your Head


So I have a song stuck in my head right now. It wouldn't be too bad, except it's "All About that Bass" or whatever it's actually called.... it annoys me how often it repeats, but the main reason I do not like it, is that there are a ton of different kinds of bodies that are all healthy and worthy of recognition. I know the song is trying to go against the "thin starving model" idea of what's beautiful, but I know bass can be pretty, but so can treble, and so can alto, and so can (sometimes) contrabass and contralto. And then there's tenor bodies. Using music nerd language here; sorry about that. But as long as your body is how it was meant to be I give no shits--if I were interested in dating I'd date a treble guy or a bass guy equally as easily! Why do people gotta be so shallow. That's a theme in all of the songs I instantly hate--all the songs I hate are based on petty bullshit.

What kind of songs do you HATE to get stuck in your head?


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Watchin the grand kid and when he hit that stage where he could be hypnotized by the combination of music and simple videos ... it got to the point where I could here these friggin songs in my dreams and I'm not exaggerating:

- The wheels on the bus go round and round
- If you're happy and you know it
- Head, shoulders, knees and toes
- And my all time anti-favorite....I knew the ones above but where the F did "Little Johnny, Yes Papa" come from?!?!
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