you know, ive always preferred indica, even though just about everyone i know says sativa is where its at
but i had never quite been able to put my finger on it, but i finally spent some time thinking about it...
my mind already travels at 247 miles per second... all sativa does is makes it travel in a different direction for me... and it cuts the breaks
a pleasant direction, but some of the effects can get annoying
take for instcance something i call the robot chicken effect, it first happened to me with trainwreck, and i find that it happens on most potent sativa doms
basically, my mind creates this random ass little cartoon in my head that randomly completely changes every 5 seconds
for the first couple mins its cool, then it gets distracting and kind of annoying
indica, slows down my mind, makes me incredibly chill and cool with everything, and lets me just be content wiithout the constant mind racing that happens to me, even when im sober :/
i have adhd and probably bipolar disorder tending on the manic side, so indica just seems to fit me better