Halloween has come and gone,
We're all still here alive.
For me I nearly lost my life,
But left no man behind.
With full moons and dark skies,
The mood was surely set,
To make this Halloween
One to never forget.
I hope you all got spooked and scared,
So the shadows made you fearful.
But I hope it didn't go too far,
That you weren't left snivelling and tearful.
The Wychwood comp has run it's course,
It's end is truly nigh.
The entries were all amazing,
To make 'em you must have been high!
But now the really hard part comes,
My lady must choose a winner.
But with such a long hard decision ahead,
Who's gonna cook my dinner!
So, I think that little poem calls the Wychwood Halloween Competition 2012 to an end. I must say I have been overwhelmed by the quality of the work produced and don't envy my ladies decision.
I'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to all that entered - I hope you all had as much fun making them as I did viewing them.
The lady has work today but will come home tonight and have a proper mull over the winners.
I will announce the winners tonight.
So, good luck to all. I know who my favourites are - but that doesn't matter as I'm not making the decisions or influencing the decision making.