Plant Enthusiast
4-20/Easter 2014 sale.
15% off CODE = BIGNEWS
15% off CODE = BIGNEWS
Anyone know if you can use multiple codes when checking out?
I mean obviously you cant use Batteries and scale from here
but could i use batteries and the 15% FC code?
edit: oh also can you get the different plastic cover designs at checkout like metatron or just default
\Just got a bunch of screens for my Solo and a JyARz container from Puffitup. Insanely quick shipping, and the customer service is top notch! I'd consider them equally great to PlanetVape, both awesome shops!
Consider it a signHoly shit when you guys said Puffitup was the best, no kidding at all!
I ordered a Solo less than an hour ago (at 8pm at night no less) and it is already shipped and tracking says it will be here either tomorrow or Saturday. Way to go for great customer service and order processing
Edit: It actually sucks tho because I put off ordering the vape because I have a ton of work to do this weekend and wanted to make sure that it did not arrive until after the weekend so I wouldn't spend any time messing around with it. What a fail. Not complaining tho![]()
Had to get my newer model Solo replaced. I'm so glad I went with Puffitup. It only took nine days from the day that I sent it back to PIU until I had a new Solo. No problems and no hassle. Why would someone want to go with a company that you are not sure about, just to save a few bucks when PIU may match prices?
I didn't have to stress over the return. A great company to do business with. I was sent a return label so didn't have to pay for shipping.
I contrary to most people here just had a not so joyous first experience with Puffitup . I read all the great things that people had to say about them ,so I placed an order for a black Jyarz and some gringer grease . I was excited to see the package today until I opened it to find that they left out the grinder grease . I called the 800 number and told the guy on the other end (didn't catch his name )what had happened in hopes that he would say we'll get that right out to you, or something along those lines . instead I felt like the whole conversation was rushed ,and I was told if you don't hear from us in 2 or 3 days to contact them again . I hope that this is resolved , because if these guys are as good as everybody else says , I would like to do more business with them . I will report back if I hear something from them . I would like to leave positive remarks too(not sure how to feel yet ).
I will email you now . That response was so quick , I hadn't even left the page yet!!!
Edit: Email sent..
Edit ( again ) : I think that this is the quickest in all my years of ordering stuff that an issue was resolved . Everybody was right , Randy is on it . That dude contacted me immediately as you guys could see , but has already sent the missing piece to my order . That says a lot in my book . Randy , thanks again for your help , and I hope to do business with your company again !!( sure about this one ).
Thank you! I am glad we had a chance to earn back your trust![]()