Here I am to get another great review to Randy and Co at I sent out for the SSV on saturday the 14th of sept. if it wasn't for canadian customs, i would have had it much quicker. Randy answered every email I sent it, whether it was just a random question, or something wrong with my order processing (the tracking number in the original email didn't transfer), he made sure I got every answer i needed (including providing me with said tracking number). On the website when I older, it looked as if the only grey with a blue base SSV. I sent Randy a email, per his request on this forum, to request a black on black base with a green knob. Somehow, within 2 days of making my order, he was able to track one down. took a while to get here, but was not related to the companies customer service. only thing wrong with the order was I never received my free grinder, but hey, it was free so not like I paid for it!
2 thumbs up Randy and Co, keep the service going strong.