I'm not sure I want to shoot a shotgun inside with no hearing protection on. Some are considering a pistol or a carbine with a suppressor for home defense.
Very civil and interesting reading. Thank you to all who contributed. So much more realistic to peruse the conversation here (of all places) than to be force fed the commercial fodder presented by the talk box on the wall.
I am hopeful that the Hearing Protection Act passes too, and sound suppressors become more easily available.
The "talk" has nothing to do with disparaging people with mental illness, but has to do with the statutes involved with them. We can argue as to if if it is good a person who "has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution" becomes a prohibited person, but I haven't heard many argue for eliminating the restriction.Gun control talk seems to always come around to disparaging people with mental illness, as though everyone with mental illness is violent. And everyone knows sane people would never do something wrong with a gun.
I challenge the very definition of "right" when used in two different ways in the same sentence. Government can guarantee it will not restrict people from keeping and bearing arms. It cannot guarantee, no matter how much it wants to, clean water for everyone. Should it be something we expect from government? Sure; or not, depending on your theory.I personally challenge the very "right" we Americans have to possess a gun. You don't have the right for clean water, but you have the right to own firearms!
Yet, we're told gun violence is a national emergency and something must be done. Which is it?Guns have legitimate uses in society, but do you think NYC wood be safer with everyone packing heat? Lol maybe Owensville works that way.
Maybe because you don't look for it? How many stories are out there right now regarding progressives who are going out and buying a firearm because they are so afraid in this new environment. Have you seen ANY articles from conservatives bemoaning that fact? Look to the supporters of the Pink Pistols. A group formed to help LGBT Americans protect themselves after the terrorist attack at The Pulse. The NRA has many different outreach programs out to get kids involved in the sport of shooting. With that, there are specific committees of outreach to minority communities.Anyways, gun control talk also seems to bring up talk of revolting against the tyranny of the unjust government.
Ooh yeah, why do I never see gun advocates clamoring for the freedom of black Americans to have guns? Or middle Eastern Americans? It sounds like a conservative nightmare.... Imagine all the brown skinned people carrying guns... How do you tell who's a terrorist?
OK off to work I go.
It's a nice souvenir, I converted it into a refrigerator magnet![]()
Lol whomever wields the power, the other side always says there's a crime wave! Witness our brand-spanking new potus, who ran on the platform of "bringing law and order back to our streets".Universal CCW without restrictions......there must have been a HUGE crime wave like the libs always warn us about, right?
Many successful solutions on gun policy exist around the world and we can't craft one here that works, I am not buying it. The issue has been politicized to the point that for many its just a tool to raise bucks and votes for different sides.
It's a poor craftsman that blames the tool. People kill using guns, or knives, or cars, or box cutters, or a gallon of gasoline. The tool is not the issue as much as the act. Take away guns and they rent or steal a truck or kitchen knife.
Comparing stats for ALL OF EUROPE (50 countries) vs just the US (1 country) seems... weird to me. I guess it makes sense for the chart being short, but that part seems like comparing apples and a fruit basket to me.Still we're now like 14th on the list for the last 50 years or so. Nothing to be proud of, but let's keep it in perspective. European citizens have twice the risk of mass shootings we do. Twice. Despite much more restrictive laws:
Comparing stats for ALL OF EUROPE (50 countries) vs just the US (1 country) seems... weird to me. I guess it makes sense for the chart being short, but that part seems like comparing apples and a fruit basket to me.
It's weird mass shootings are more frequent in Europe than the US, but their gun violence overall is way lower in a lot of their countries like the UK.
@CarolKing actually the lawmakers are in the pockets of the gun manufacturers; but we knew what you meant.It would help if crazy people couldn't get guns. I know this shouldn't be political but the gun manufacturers are in the pockets of our lawmakers. Basically there are very few gun laws in Nevada.
America is sad for all the people affected in this tragedy. I hope there won't be copy cat shootings. When things like this happen it gives other crazy nuts ideas.
Maybe there was a silencer on the guns?