Ha! This guy has a cool story, ended up getting him from a girl that rescued him from a Walmart parking lot, these people were trying to get rid of him but wouldn't let him play with people, kicking him around and shit. She ended up with him and posted online about finding a home for him, and I ended up getting him. I'm liable to believe her story because the other dog she had at her place looked quite healthy, and he was the exact opposite (skinny, scratched face/ear, you could see the ribs/hips a bit). He whined for a few seconds when I set him down on the car seat but he wouldn't let go of me... same deal when we got home (oh, did I mention this was like... the night of Dec 31? started the year with him

), time for bed and he couldn't hop up all the way to my bed and wouldn't stop whining. There's been an almost inseparable bond between us. Last time I left for the hospital the 'rents were telling me he would cry all day and sniff around for me before curling up into a little ball on my clothes or bed. When I got back he was so anxious about me disappearing that he wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom alone, he'd lay down in front of it and stick his paws out and use his nails to repeatedly poke at the door until I finally opened it... he marches in, sits in the far corner, and waits. Didn't leave my side for anything for two or three weeks after.
My kiddo is good at looking baked...
Liable to look like this after a heavy scratch session.
His favorite position for scratching is actually the same as your guy's Pcp! It's funny to see him do that to people who're not familiar with him. He'll do this thing I call shouldering where he'll start to rub one shoulder a little hard against your leg/shin, that's his 10 second warning that he's about to flop for the scratches.
They've told me he's a blue nose pitty. I don't really like referring to him as a pit bull to the general public whenever they see him so I've taken to using the more official American Staffordshire Terrier. Everyone that is close to me knows him and they know he's incredibly gentle and just wants positive attention.