Typical rent-seeking establishment centrist (in that you have no idea what they stand for) self-interested politician vs bigoted-in-almost-every-way hard right reactionary with cartoonishly impractical ideas that involved thought processes as deep as your average urinal. Also a tendency to say shit that alienates vast swathes of voters in a single fell swoop. What a wonderful time to be a voting for the next leader of the free world!
I mean to be fair, we can't say that Trump isn't still glaringly worse, but I can fully empathize with those who can't hold their nose and vote for Hilary - some of these leaks of things she's said/done were always gonna alienate some card carrying democrats.
I not only empathize with them, but I applaud them. Especially the former Berners. DNC screwed him from the start, so I can't fathom why anyone truly in the tank for Bernie would reward the person/organizations that fucked him. The idea of "holding your nose" for ANY candidate I feel is, a bad practice.
And when they stacked the system against him, he rolled over and died. Sorry to sound callous, but he just let them walk all over him.
Regardless of your opinions on the egomaniac that is Trump, he has not done that. He's fought the corruption tooth and nail and drums down on points that frankly, most politicians are too big of pussbags to even say. He takes the media and lefts hit jobs on him on the fucking chin. And he attacks HC in ways that no other politician would for a fear of "not looking presidential"
Trump, is a cartoon character though I agree, BIGLY! High energy cartoon character, folks, but its not the man we are voting for as much as the message. Drain the Swamp!! Get this corruption out of here! I'm not holding my nose and voting Trump, I am truly enthusiastic about his message and energy he is bringing. And truly, for me personally, I find him hilarious. He makes politics interesting. He's a caricature for sure but his message is much better than "I am in corruption up to my eyeballs but don't vote Donald Trump because he "doesn't act presidential".)
I do disagree with your notion about the "tendency to say shit that alienates vast swathes of voters in a single fell swoop" not that he hasn't alienated some though.
There are "Women for Trump" "Blacks for Trump" "Latinos for Trump" "Native Americans for Trump" and they are visible and not hidden in the woodworks if you watch Trump rallies. Don't believe the polls that are crooked and the media that is crooked that he has "1-2%" of these groups lol.
The biggest "alienation" IMO is the left/Democrats demonizing the other party as racists, xenophobes, stupid, DEPLORABLES, etc. Fact is, a LOT of people don't like being told that their way of thinking is the "incorrect way", and they hate it EVEN MORE when you try to marginalize them as "bad people" simply because of the way they are voting. They are the ones who started the alienation. (and shows they are incredibly stupid, as they can't refute the point without namecalling)
(Evidence in PV videos that Clinton organized people to go to Trump rallies to stir the pot and cause more alienation.......)
(Evidence in Podesta emails that Clinton campaign does not even view most minorities as people, but simply a vote. "Dangerous blacks" "Professional never do wells" )
The Democrats keeping a professional underclass of minority voters who depend on their social programs to live, so they have a guaranteed vote base basically dehumanizes them. Black Votes Matter is the slogan. Keep a group sucking at your teat to survive. The Democrats themselves (as evidenced in the emails) have called blacks "stupid" so nothing like them keeping "stupid" group sucking at your teat to survive and won't investigate WHY they've been in squander for years.
I don't admonish the things Trump said. But, when the group that does the attacks does the same thing, and paint themselves as being better than that, that hypocrisy, blech I find it sickening. Liberal hypocrisy and their lack of personal responsibility are honestly the two biggest things (other than HRC being corrupt AF and we shouldn't be electing corruption) that have pushed me toward Trump. They say the gun is what kills people, not the person shooting it (limit your personal responsibility) I am pro choice, but the big argument "woman has a right to choose" has a fatal flaw (I am pro choice but I find this argument so weak).........she did choose to have sex, knowing the potential consequences?? (again, limit your personal responsibility) Free programs for some that are on hard times, but also for some that simply don't help themselves (limit your personal responsibility). OWN IT!! And DT owns it.
I'd vote for the devil I know then the devil that tries to paint themselves as being an angel.
Lot of good FBI information today, too much so here are some good threads:
6 days left, I can feel the MAGA

I assume there will be more uncovered by the FBI dumps as the day persists.
If the FBI receives more than 3 FOIA requests on the same document, they tweet them out. Their requests closed for the day after a half hour of being open, too many!
Here is OKeefe's newest video, honestly a bit of a disappointment since it was hyped up so hard by him:
The key here, is it involves NC though, which is a battleground state. But some no name HRC donor saying that blacks who vote republicans are race traitors and idiots just isn't all that scathing (we knew they felt that already lol)
Hopefully in a bit some more info will be out and about hitting the waves today.
Edit: Peter Kadzick, look it up. Tipping people off