So, have you guys heard about Erik Braverman. He is a "Braverman" than most. He's the guy who told people to follow the money, rather than dwelling on the missing emails, to find the real Clinton scandal. He was a "mole"
He was former CEO of Clinton Foundation......
Also, Kim Dot Com, supposed to potentially have access to some stuff and should be releasing soon.
The Russians! The Russians!!! you mean An American and a Kiwi!

We must stop hacks by Kiwis!!
Paul Ryan & Marco Rubio have also been potentially implicated (hearsay cause of emails) by the WL as conspiring for p2p type of deals.
I saw the question about why people aren't getting charged will be coming. But, a lot of hearsay as well. Like, Obama wasn't under oath, so he's allowed to "lie" legally about when he heard about the server. Or something stupid like that lol. Majority are email's that allude to things and reference things and basically spell out the puzzle but they need the one more key damning piece. It's a lot of work too.
Also, Trump supporters will be voting en masse. I have not yet met an antiClinton/proTrump supporter who is not enthusiastic about voting and getting to the polls. This goes IRL and online. Clinton does not drum up that same emotion, positively. I know a very few people who are actively for Clinton. I know more that are anti Trump.....but are unwilling to hold their nose. You can't rig a landslide, you can rig a small margin.
HIGH ENERGY!! YUGE ENERGY!!! We have the best energy folks! Most Trump fans FME, they recognize him as the caricature he is, but love what he is representing. That Michael Moore Fuck you video is pretty right on the money about how they seem to feel.
Saw a thread about where people were booing CNN for bashing Trump in Olympia WA. And, saw a comment that kind of resonated with me, as I had seen similar sentiment throughout and more of my close friends fall into this mold as well.
"Washington is Bernie country. People underestimate just how much Bernie people
despise that woman. As an afterberner myself who has been/voted liberal my entire life - if she could make someone like me turn to Trump (and not only turn to Trump, but actually be enthusiastic about him), then it's not surprising that Bernie-heavy states might go Trump as well. What the dems did to Bernie is unforgivable. We don't reward that filth with a vote"
Clinton just does not appeal to people other than as an antithesis to Trump.
You ever see a Trump rally not packed to the gills?
By the way, the guy who makes the PV videos, filed a FEC complaint and has more video that will supposedly be damning to Clinton. Damning enough his lawyers recommended he not publish it.
-O'Keefe reveals his methods to get all this spicy stuff, a number of Veritas reporters posed as wealthy donors/relatives of wealthy donors/volunteers, etc.
-This led to clear pay to play evidence where a price tag of some 450k was discussed, Creamer mentions that for the right price, meetings with Hillary and Obama are possible, as well as that he is well connected in the White House.
-Veritas wires 20 k to look legit. It goes to a secret bank account/shell company in fucking Belize. Creamer confirms he received the money.
-Internship is received by donor's pretend niece as a direct result of this donation.
-Creamer confirms that he is in contact with the campaign every day and that the campaign directs AUFC activities, which is, well, illegal.
-Creamer also seems to know about the women going public with Trumps accusations before they come out, though this is not delved upon.
-In exchange for more donations, Creamer sets up a powerful lawyer to help a pretend Syrian become American.
-When Veritas started to come out, the money was returned to Veritas as it may be an "illegal overseas donation". This wasn't a problem before the vids came out. They had the money until October 20th which was 3 days after the first one broke.
TLDR: Hillary campaign runs AUFC in violation of FEC laws, has shell companies with offshore accounts to route money in an opaque manner, and clearly sells access to govt for donations, RE: Bribery.
Her FEC violations are pretty clear, so shit will stick, a matter of time.