Paka, I got a question. Why are you watching GoT?
I watch it for the pageantry, the production values, and the performances by Peter Dinklage and Maisie Williams.
I'm also interested in what Paka considers good writing to be? Breaking bad for sure but what else?
If you mean TV writing, then Deadwood wins hands down. Breaking Bad was good but had quite a few jarring inconsistencies itself. I really don't watch that much TV drama.
If you mean novels, then I've been reading fantasy since I was a child. I read fantasy novels when they were still considered a lesser class of book and most book stores (remember book stores?) carried perhaps half a dozen mixed in with the SF books. For good fantasy writing I refer you to E.R. Eddison (The Worm Ouroboros), Marion Zimmer Bradley (The Mists of Avalon), Ursula K. LeGuin (Earthsea trilogy), Terry Pratchett (Discworld series), Sheri S. Tepper (True Game series), T.H White (Sword in the Stone series), and Roger Zelazny (Amber series). That's far from a complete list gathered from looking quickly at my bookshelves. Of course these have some flaws but I would rank any of this material well ahead of anything written by G.R.R. Martin.
Lol, you trollin' us?Tut tut.
I too am now curious to know what you consider good writing..?
And have you read the books out of curiosity? Or is it the writing style, rather than the outrageous storyline, that you don't like?
I refuse to read the books because I have read enough GRRM to know that I couldn't stomach them. He's just not a good writer in my opinion. His plots don't impress me and his writing style is, well, awful. I give the showrunners a lot of credit because I get the impression that they are covering up a lot of bad writing.
This is just my opinion. I know lots of people disagree with me. As someone who has been reading fantasy novels for well over 50 years and who read them when most people were ashamed to admit it (pre-Tolkien), I think I have a good perspective from which to criticize.