I am still using my V1 Vertigo cyclone after many many months daily use. By far the most robust, consistent performing torch I ever had. It always sparks, has a great flame. Is very windproof. Just very well built anyhow. I should branch out more and expand.
I do have a Pipes jarhead IH but I never use it because I just dont get the same performance as torching. Torching, I can always get even, consistent hits and uniform extraction in 3--5 cycles. Usually 3 very good, equal and rarely disappointing hits, which are always smooth and never unpleasant. Every time, I dont really have to think about it or use my brain to get exactly consistent results and extraction everytime.
In contrast with the induction heater I have to go quite some way past the click to get the same sort of decent and full-sized hits I like, it is a hard line to draw to not go too far and can bus or get a much harsher less tasty hit. Often the hits are underwhelming, but still taste a little off to me like an overtorched one.
I know how much everyone loves their induction heaters so it does puzzle me how I have never been satisfied with my but I have come across some other people who have reported exactly the same experience and their preference for torching.
I may play with it some more or its up for sale soon.
One way or another, Vertigo Cyclobe V1 FTW still! (Got one for my mum as well, she rates it too)