What's everyone vapin? Got any home pics

TGIF & I'm back on Maui Wowie, third time now as first TGIF vape of the day after a workweek break. It's awesome

. After some use of the 7 or so different strain batches I've gotten since Winter holiday season, it's Durban Poison in the #1 spot & Maui Wowie next in line

. Very potent, uplifting to euphoric, strong cerebral stimulation. Here's a picture of my new batch of Mowie Wowie again, zoom in & enjoy

What a batch. It's been over four hours since I took one 10 second low temp draw (320 F) in the premium desktop vape, & now 4 hrs later I just did another two low temp draws (12s, 8s). And saw clouds both times. HAF right now

. Totally recommend this strain
Sorry for any spelling / grammar issues.
Vape on & enjoy ur Friday