What would you recommend for this style of vaping...

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New Member
So here is the situation. I own a SSV and love it. I quit combusting because of this Site. So now the only problem I have is the constant stirring.

My nightly routine is to pack a bowl for me and my wife in our bed watching tv.

Currently I have to put the ssv on a tray next to the bed and my wife has to reach over to hit it.

The whole time (have both SG and GG hands free) they both require my hands.

Was thinking of an extreme q maybe?

What do you recommend for the lazy?
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Well-Known Member
The Solo is very sharable between 2 people. The EQ won't solve your problem because its a whip vape like the ssv that also is inefficient at filling bags. A used Volcano might be an option, but you can buy a new Solo for around $150 or less.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried a solo? It is extremely low maintenance, hit like a champ, easily passable, 1 bowl will get 2 people medicated, and conserves


well-worn member
If you want to load a big bowl and pass it back and forth, check out the Flashvape thread. It's pretty unique in that it recommends shaking rather than stirring so you guys may like it.
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Well-Known Member
IMO, the FV requires a bit too mich technique to share easily. It will combust just like that if youre not careful
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well-worn member
Lol, that's exactly why it wasn't for me. But if it's just the two of them they could probably adapt if they liked everything else about it, and the big bowl that doesn't need to be stirred sounded like what they might be looking for.

I had the S2 kit and was supposed to hold it upside down I think but I lost my patience and sent it back. But there are quite a few satisfied FV users and the thread may be worth investigating.
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Hoof Hearted

Vapesallday Industries
+1 for the SOLO

And just like clouded vision, I don't have any experience with logs either but it seems like they would be pretty easy to pass back and forth in bed
Hoof Hearted,


Well-Known Member
I think you may have given Dave at Underdog a good marketing idea for his pups. Think of the possible variations of couples in bed passing a beautiful log vape between them. One of them needs to be Willie Nelson, imo
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well-worn member
Willie passes the dog to snoop, saying "here's the log, dawg"...
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I can see clearly now the smoke is gone...
VB.20 has a stir knob on the bottom which makes stirring very easy. However, it's bowl size might be a little small for 2 people unless you were using serious dank.

lost nebula

Always Vaping
I'm with lwein on bags possibly being the best choice for your situation. They are easy to pass and share while not losing vapor or requiring more than one hand. I can operate, fill, stir and hit my volcano while only using one hand.

Bags are the lazy mans way of vaping, only experience imo that rivals smoking a joint in terms of ability to sit back with it and relax. So if your looking to save a few bucks try the herbalaire, if your looking to spend a bit more maybe a Volcano classic.
lost nebula,
Gotta go with the HA. The HA will blow bags,do the whip thing as well as direct hitting and even H2o friendly. Add to that the fact is the HA is easily the most efficient I've ever used. No matter what the condition of the ABV,a quick trip through the HA to get that last little bit of sweet Mary-Jane! Don't know why the HA doesn't get the love it deserves. A quick scan of the usual places and I'm seeing prices down below the 175$ delivered.:tup:


living in a van down by the river
the herbalaire also has the advantage of not needing to be stirred. it could also be used like a log vape with a stem sticking out the top.

edit shipdit spelled out the various ways to use it.

i've always wanted to try one...


well-worn member
If price is not an option, you might consider skipping right to the front of the class and getting on the Herbalizer bandwagon. You could choose between passing a whip or a balloon, and be confident that you have the latest nasa-engineered technology.

The instant heat-up and cool-down and its overall attractiveness make it worth a look, the downside besides price is it has not been released yet.


well-worn member
I totally agree, but these guys seem to seriously have their shit together. It doesn't fit into my lineup as I prefer to avoid both whips and balloons, but I am a great admirer for what these guys are doing as far as technological innovation and industrial design goes.

There's always a risk with this kind of thing to be sure, but with this one I think it's pretty minimal. As long as you're in the US anyways, international support seems to be a ways off. Have you been following the thread or checked the videos lately?

The $75 no-commitment fc pre-order discount may help the fence-sitters. I was skeptical at first after learning about the vivape, but someone pointed this out to me as being in a different league* and it appears to me that he is correct; just my :2c:

edit: it is becoming apparent to me that this league* is to be inhabited by three vapes, two of which are still on the horizon. The new sublimator, the upcoming vxc evo, and the herbalizer. These are all very different in usage, and of the three the herbalizer is the only one that meet's the op's criteria so I though it to be worth a mention. It really is worth investigating, it has some unique features.
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Well-Known Member
mate, you may want to check the LOTUS vaporizer - great for lazy small-or-big sessions, can be used direct draw/with tubing/with glass, is durable, portable, wonderful for beginners as it is (supposed to be) uncombustible, easy to clean + maintain, and looks like a piece of art too. they've got a promotion till the 20th i think. check the lotus thread http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/the-lotus-vaporizer.2595/.
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well-worn member
The Lotus looks like a very cool, off the grid type of solution, the other end of the technology spectrum to be sure. Not sure about sharing an open flame in bed though.
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Well-Known Member
While I'm usually on the solo band wagon, this time I am not. Those damn glass stems never fit worth a shit in my experience, very easy to come up bounce on the heating chamber ETC. i will agree with Lwien on this and say by the sounds of it you are after a bag blower to just sit watch tv whatever grab the bag and pass. No constant fiddling.
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clouded vision

Well-Known Member
the loose stem issue with the solo is easily fixed with an o-ring which you can get directly from PV, once you add that, you can hold it by the stem and swing it around without issue.
clouded vision,
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
IMO, the FV requires a bit too mich technique to share easily. It will combust just like that if youre not careful

You can pretty much eliminate the possibility of combustion if you use the 3.7V battery (i.e. the S2) and hold the FV inverted:


The bowl is huge and the act of inverting eliminates any need to stir. Also, with the S2 kit the FV is a conduction vapourizer and learning proper technique in normal orientation is simple.
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