Lol, I enjoyed reading through this thread, seeing where everyone started.
Having no friends that used vapes, I think I first tried to make my own vape using a lightbulb with minimal results (got a 'taste' but that's about it, no effects).
I then opted to buy a "Cheap" vape from my LHS out of curiosity in 2007. The round glass bulb pictured above was one option, and the other one (for around $100!) was an EasyVape knockoff vape with a digital display.
It was *ok*, but I never believed I was getting all the medicine from the herb (didn't know proper temperature settings, or even proper use of the vape!). Used it a handful of times, went meh and tossed it in a box, never to be used again.
Went back to combusting for 5 years, before my friend introduced me to his PAX. The taste wasn't great (already a spent load before he let me taste it), but the concept blew me away. Now we could have portable vapes??
In February of this year I purchased a DV Ascent after doing a bit of research (I passed over the Solo because I didn't like how it looked! boy do I regret passing that over!). On my first session with the Ascent - "HOLY HELL!!" - the taste was spectacular! I couldn't get over how much flavor there was. Honestly, it's almost too much flavor for the first couple draws!
After my Ascent failed one month after buying it, I decided to buy a new vape (ahh my VAS and GAS problems are still going strong). Purchased a Lotus vape in March (within 24 hours of my Ascent's death!) because I wanted something stupid simple with as few parts to break as possible!
I will say, after having used the Ascent for a month, I tried to use my EasyVape to satisfy my need to avoid combusting until my Lotus arrived. Despite intensive cleaning before using my EasyVape (even replacing the whip after my first hit), the taste was horrid!

Needless to say I'll be GIVING my easyvape away to anyone who wants it ha ha
Note, I did do a head to head comparison with my friend's old (rarely used, unliked) Iolite vape and the results were amazing. The IOlite also had an unpleasant taste, especially when using at the same time as an Ascent with the same herb in both!