It really depends how much you're wanting to make the hash/oils work with your vape...
I would think just about any convection vape could vape oils by wrapping the oil in cotton or steel wool, then inserting that into the vapes chamber...
Vapes more specifically designed for oils include:
W9 tech gear - portable pen vapes designed for oil, but not so much the more planty hashes - Omicron + Kiss cart is super portable, Persei + Herc is still very portable, and seems to be one of the best oil vaping options out there.
Cloud EVO - Has a new nail accessory designed for dabbing oils, but you'll have to use a hydratube or whip to use that.
Sublimator - basically an enail and vape in 1... It should be able to handle just about any hash you throw at it...
I have vaped straight bubble hash in my solo, supreme, cloud and LSV with no fillers - all worked well.
Most desktop vapes should be able to deal with bubble/pressed hash pretty easily - just need a tiny bed of flowers or cotton/Steel wool to stop them falling through your screen, and vape away