It doesn't say but I'm assuming these people in the study regarding strokes that used cannabis probably were smoking it verses vaporizing. How many smoked ciggerettes? It might make a difference in the outcomes whether a person smoked, vaporized or ingested cannabis.
that's a general problem with most is true determination of cause of death
But maybe someone here knows someone who is able and willing to start a long term study on pure vapers?- this forum would be a great source for participants....
Chemotherapy kills more people than it cures.
The process itself kills people, but technically both situations occur. Most feel they have no option but chemo and jump right into it, especially with heavy pressure from doctors to start procedures as soon as possible. It's a devastating procedure and unnecessary with much more effective and less invasive treatments available and being practiced in other countries.
That's just ridicolous hate against modern medicine, it's sick to complain about the many choices of treatment avaiable in the modern world, when in 3. world countrys ppl with ball sized tumors sit on the street begging for food money. If u prefer superstition over science maybe don't play with healt and focus on another sector - stick it to the evil energy concerns, watch some youtube about the bedini engine and power your house with that, thats pretty much the same level of pseudo science.
No one is forced to take a treatment, there is always personal evaluation - my mom knew what she was doing as a pharmacist, she did 12 chemotherapys in 4 years, had to abort one who was working bc the vicious side effects were unbearable - she told the doc at least now u know a bit more about possible side effects for the study. There will always be some deaths in clinical trial phases, it's tragic but still it gave a chance and helped the cause - we are all profitting from that, so saying they did that on purpose is dishonouring those deaths with stupidity.
Sure there are flaws in any health system of the world,
@Silver420Surfer can't say anything about actual US situations (thats for Mr Trump to solve

), have been living in DC a few years, but that was back in the 80s... - those days the dallas buyers club, was an issue... But yes, the injection nr was from another study, which critizised itself bc cause of death was clogging of arteries, besides it's an unreal delivery method to begin with. The merck values i posted seem more reliable...
The body is a complex cascade of many different systems(from the view of classical system theory), ECS being one of it - but if u change over 100 values (all the compounds of the herb) in a complex system without understanding what one value does by itself, not even god could solve that mathematical task and predict an outcome. It's try and error, which can work but will never get u to the real optimum or deeper understanding what is going on. Thats why classic medicine starts with evaluating pure compounds by itself, it's a painstaiking long process that will take 5-10 years research with mayor countrys being legal.
Even a fully understood ECS would be like saying i know how the generator of the power plant works, now i can manage the whole plant without a meltdown (only Homer Jay S. can do that
