What is your current average daily consumption?

What is your average daily consumption?

  • < .1 g

    Votes: 24 25.0%
  • > .1 g & < 1 g

    Votes: 46 47.9%
  • > 1 g & < 3.5 g

    Votes: 22 22.9%
  • > 3.5 g & < 7 g

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • > 7 g

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Way less than 0.1 grams per week.

Recreational user, vapig ~0.035 grams per week for 5+ years in now fwiw. And I only partake from Fri after work until Sunday, giving a work week break.

That regular weekly cannabis break brings very low tolerance in my experience & use, along with big f/x, big big effects 🌋. More specifically (for those interested), I vape 0.050 grams per bowl & a total of 5-6 bowls from Friday after work thru Sunday (1 to 2 bowls per day). Been microdosing for years now, 5+ & can definitely attest that less is more friends 👍
Eric Wareheim Mind Blown GIF by Tim and Eric

:peace: :leaf:
What vapes are you using?
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Well-Known Member
What vapes are you using?
Weekends are at home for enough of the time that I 99% use a plug in vape. It's still the VapeXhale Cloud EVO (Extreme Vapor Output) kept super clean (for flavors) & temp step dry vaped through three sessions, from 320 F to 390 F over ~10 hours on the first day of use. Next & third day, the first bowl lasts 3 sessions over ~5 hours with second bowls leading to another 3 session & ~5 hrs of big f/x :science: (10+ hrs total).

I like VapeXhale Cloud EVO because with its fire / burn hazard safe design that I can use at home casually even on the couch in the family room while watching TV / listening to music around pets & life. I regularly put the vape on the cushions, can forget it & tip it over & leave it going without issue. It's also very powerful & an excellent microdosing to macrodosing vape capable of safe use in all environments with a glass airpath & super easy to keep clean. I can dab concentrates with it too & it's been excellent w/ hash or any sandwich combos.

I was a macrodoser for years too, I use to vape 0.66 grams per bowl & 7-8 bowls per weekend :science:. And also I spent a year or so vaping 2-4 big bowls every day, seeing that side of cannabis use.

Fwiw, I've been experiencing huge f/x over the last 4 or so months using excellent quality fresh cannabis from a November buy or so (mason jar moisture packet stored). Awesome 💫 but also difficult to manage, I was regularly greening out ~40% of the time in day use :razz: :evil: (until the last three weeks or so). Been difficult to engage in much a lot excellent FC content over that time :freak:

This way is not the only way, find what works for you
Toking Mash Up GIF

Sorry for any spelling / grammar issues, haf TGIF

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
Weekends are at home for enough of the time that I 99% use a plug in vape. It's still the VapeXhale Cloud EVO (Extreme Vapor Output) kept super clean (for flavors) & temp step dry vaped through three sessions, from 320 F to 390 F over ~10 hours on the first day of use. Next & third day, the first bowl lasts 3 sessions over ~5 hours with second bowls leading to another 3 session & ~5 hrs of big f/x :science: (10+ hrs total).

I like VapeXhale Cloud EVO because with its fire / burn hazard safe design that I can use at home casually even on the couch in the family room while watching TV / listening to music around pets & life. I regularly put the vape on the cushions, can forget it & tip it over & leave it going without issue. It's also very powerful & an excellent microdosing to macrodosing vape capable of safe use in all environments with a glass airpath & super easy to keep clean. I can dab concentrates with it too & it's been excellent w/ hash or any sandwich combos.

I was a macrodoser for years too, I use to vape 0.66 grams per bowl & 7-8 bowls per weekend :science:. And also I spent a year or so vaping 2-4 big bowls every day, seeing that side of cannabis use.

Fwiw, I've been experiencing huge f/x over the last 4 or so months using excellent quality fresh cannabis from a November buy or so (mason jar moisture packet stored). Awesome 💫 but also difficult to manage, I was regularly greening out ~40% of the time in day use :razz: :evil: (until the last three weeks or so). Been difficult to engage in much a lot excellent FC content over that time :freak:

This way is not the only way, find what works for you
Toking Mash Up GIF

Sorry for any spelling / grammar issues, haf TGIF

:peace: :leaf:
Nice, man, thanks for the write up. I've never had the opportunity to try the CloudEVO, but at one point I had most of the glass they carried, all the waterpipes (I still have the Greenstar and the Halley's) and most of the Hydratubes. The hydratubes I still use a lot with my Hydrobricks. The recyclers are surprisingly good, I recommend the greenstar clones at every turn because it's so nice. The Halley's is also way better than you'd think. And the tubes are definitely a cut above most of the clones. I seem to remember people inverting their EVOs on waterpipes, do you use yours that way? I can just picture it on the Halley's... : )


Well-Known Member
Nice, man, thanks for the write up. I've never had the opportunity to try the CloudEVO, but at one point I had most of the glass they carried, all the waterpipes (I still have the Greenstar and the Halley's) and most of the Hydratubes. The hydratubes I still use a lot with my Hydrobricks. The recyclers are surprisingly good, I recommend the greenstar clones at every turn because it's so nice. The Halley's is also way better than you'd think. And the tubes are definitely a cut above most of the clones. I seem to remember people inverting their EVOs on waterpipes, do you use yours that way? I can just picture it on the Halley's... : )
Nice! Great feedback. I like their glass as well, so difficult to find now. I have a few dry mouth pieces & Chinese hydratubes. Plus a Chinese hydrabase I've never used (which incorporate the EVO inverted). The Chinese glass is a noticeable step down from VapeXhale & American glass.

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
Most of the recent VXL glass was Chinese btw, including those recyclers above...
Ah yes. I'll mention in my experience they were at least different hydrotube suppliers from what I've found on DHgate. The OEM 18mm connector opening slits were smooth, the DHgate hydrotubes have the opening slits manually cut in. Doesn't sound like much but I can't use an ultrasonic cleaner on cut slit vapes because they will crack & break at these points :mad:

:peace: :leaf:
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Ah yes. I'll mention in my experience they were at least different hydrotube suppliers from what I've found on DHgate

Yeah I think in the final years they were just using Green Lane for glass... So similar, yet sometimes even worse china quality lol

Of course they originally had US glass, and a lot of different manufacturers, I still have my original evolver 2.0 hydro tubes from then
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