This is unfortunately the same phenomenon we see with Trump's followers. I guess it is just a truth about human nature: when you tell people what they want to hear they are very likely to believe it, and this is so regardless of the actual truth of what is being said.
The more I read the proposed law, the more positives I find:
- the penalties for grow, distribute, transport, intent to sell change from mandatory felony to misdemeanor.
What's not to like about that? Are cops really going to focus on fricken misdemeanor offenses?
- medical patients --can cultivate as much as required. Sounds good to me.
- Larger cultivate allowed in 2023. You want to be protected forever?? And as legal cannabis spreads, bigger players are coming anyhow
- beyond that, Mendocino County is doing a Prop AF to protect current growers, so get to work on your county
- the unbiased legal summary said most of Prop 64 provisions are modified by a simple legislative majority. So, where does your 2/3 info come from?
I am "disturbed" about your characterization of those that support the prop, including :
callous, cavalier, ignorance, self-interest, unmoored by facts, having no concept of the impact, they are like Trump's followers, etc. I don't think those words foster discussion of the issue.
One could use some of those same adjectives to describe opponents, but we won't :
- self interest as the issue is much bigger than CA. A Yes will help other states in the US AND the worldwide legal movement. Stop thinking of just you

- it was put forth that anybody can fake a med issue to get MMJ but many do not want to go this route.
They want legal and not going the fraudulent mmj route.
- Legal CA would be a place where us unfortunate slobs that have no legal or even decent mmj can go to get a clean, legal supply and not buy off the streets. Your neighbors would appreciate a little help here on the vote.
Prop 64 might not be perfect but it's way better than what 40+ states have currently. You don't know/appreciate how good you have it compared to the rest of the world. The glass is 3/4 full.
Our fricken MMJ program has $200 per year reg fee , only 2 producers/ distributors, no flowers and only oils that cost 5X what CA oils cost, NO home grow, product costs that run up to $2000 per month for some patients with no insurance of course.
Anybody want to trade State programs with MN??