What are you doing this 420?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering what other FC members were doing for 420 & what, if anything it means to them.
This is my 1st 420 as an enlightened soul & was thinking about what it means to me.

If i was going to have a religious holiday, this would be it.

Without trying to sound too silly, but this April 20 i will be thinking of all those who have been incarcerated because of cannabis laws. All those whom our society views & treats as criminals, all those who have had their front doors kicked in, their dogs shot, their children frightened & traumatised in their homes because of their cannabis use.

I will be thinking of all the legal medical users who benefit from cannabis.

I will be thinking af all the sick people who are forced to behave like criminals, because their community views them as such in order for them to obtain their medicine.

I will be thinking of all the sick people who dont know about medical cannabis because of the social taboos surrounding it, and as such feel their only option are the opiates big pharma provide.

I will be thinking of big pharma & the part they play in keeping cannabis for the sick illegal. how much money has big pharma spent on lobbying, political donations & slanted studies & reports to keep cannabis where it is.

I will be thinking of all the LEO's who pursue harmless cannabis users with such zeal as to scratch around on the floor to find a bit of stem in order to make an arrest & honestly believe they are getting criminals off the street & making a difference.

Spending hundreds of millions of dollars in man hours searching the bush & peoples houses for cannabis when random violent street crime is spiraling out of control. Alcohol, meth & heroin are raveging my community, but I know they would rather take me away for my weed than tackle an out of control ice head who is a direct danger to the community.

and lastly, I will be thinking of all the lawmakers & politicians who constantly get elected on the platforms of tough on drugs policy. Criminalising our youth for what is a social & a health issue is poor policy & has been proven to be failing as a deterrent.

We have been lied to, our parents have been lied to and the brainwashing rhetoric is as strong today & it was 50years ago.

I keep hearing we will all have to wait for all the boomers to die off before we will see some real change to cannabis policy around the world. & while we are waiting for that, the sick are suffering because they are unable to obtain the medicine they choose for their bodies & families are being ripped apart by procecution & incarceration for cannabis.

While I consume my cannabis 420 cake, numerous stems & maybe even hoist a beer or two, I will be thinking of all the victims of the failed war on drugs & of all the perpertrators who made them victims of this war.

But above all, I will celebrate cannabis, all it has given me personally & all it gives to the sick.
Cannabis is the tree of life, the world needs to embrace its gift.

This is what 420 means to me & these are the things & people i will be thinking about on the day.

So, please if you can, spare a thought for some of these things & people this 420.
Because for many of us, while the war on drugs rages peoples lives are being ruined for profit & votes.



Vapor Sloth
Well said Dorkus. I have always thought the war on drugs was to ensure that drugs did the maximum harm to society. We have spent a trillion dollars on that war in this country and all it has done is enrich the cartels. When you look at the forces allied against us, big pharma, alcohol producers, synthetic fiber producers and then the government is thrown in the mix with plenty of $$$ and you have a recipe for the current situation you have so eloquently outlined above. It is a mess right now, hard to see what the future will bring.

Edit: As far as what I am doing on 4/20 . . . I think I will check in with my local dispensary and see what is going on :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know yet what I will do, probably hang out with friends and smoke/vape plenty. in that caee it will be my 1st real 420 celebration
and maybe I'll go to amsterdam for the 420 smoke-out protest, but don't know yet since it's a long way(well, not compared to people not living in the netherlands ofcourse...), and I'm not a big fan of travelling(I get carsick easily, especially a long time in a car makes me feel uncomfortable, train is better but I do have to keep looking out the window, on bicycle is best but a little too far for that)


here for the chicks
I didn't even know that the combination of the numbers 4 and 20 has a special meaning to stoners all over the world until I got to this website tbh.

Not sure if I should pay any special attention to it at all, since I already celebrate the holy marijuana every other day of the year. Perhaps I should make it my non-weed-day? :rolleyes: You guy's dates are the wrong way around anyways, everyone knows that the 4th of April is spelled '20-04'


....have to say I've been using weed for over 40 years...never felt any significance to 420...but I'm not known as a "joiner"...always remember the woody allen joke...never want to be a member of a club that has people like me in it...


This 4-20 will be extra special for me

I get to see ultrasounds of my soon to be little girl (7mths), hopefully in 4D.

And this will be my first year celebrating with a vaporizer and my own hash. Life is good.


here for the chicks
Crap, you see, they got me all confused with their backwards dating system :myday:

Now where's my edit button :rant:

I'll deal with these awkward dates if we can get them on metric though, but I'm afraid it'll take another conqueror to get his done.

Maybe Obama can be co-hearsed?


Revolting Peasant
Maybe Obama can be co-hearsed? [coerced]
lol you wanna watch out- the CIA spybots will think that you're talking about planning his joint funeral. They'll come and break down your door :goon: lol ;)

edit, or were you? :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
before converting them to metric I would first get them to use degrees celsius instead of those weird fahrenheits, always confusing reading about weather/putside temps/growroom temps and hearing temperatures between 50-100 wich souns just ridiculously hot

much simpler when water just freezes at 0 degrees


Well-Known Member
but if you would taker over our 24-hur notation instead of AM/PM, ypu would gain an additional 420 each day(4.20 at night, 14.20 and 16.20 wich is 4.20 in the afternoon)


Well-Known Member
Funny how this thread has veered off into "the dating system". :brow:


I Vapes Hard
I will be in denver for the first ever two day 420 celebration and high Times cannibis cup making sure everyone is prepared to make history in November, ending prohibition of marijuana in Colorado.


I'll be in Denver as well, but only going to the civic center on 4/20. Always a good time had. It's neat how they have expanded it into 2 days, eventually is this going to be a week long affair? haha


I got paid to kill people.
So much school work this week.....i can't have a proper celebratory vape until next week T_T

Tai Sun

Well-Known Member
Ending my first big t-break in a few years with some ridiculously nice bud, keen as fuck !
Tai Sun,


Well-Known Member

Coffee, solo stems & cannacaps for breakfast. Got a nice buzz on already. :D

I am celebrating on my own today.

Dont forget the 7 day GC 30% off sale.
discount code

Hope everyone has a great day, remember be safe & dont let ''the man'' harshen your buzz!

:tup: :peace:


here for the chicks
Sorry, I'd already started

:cheers: though!

Poor Aussies, theirs must almost be over by now. Had a good one Dorkus?
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