chillin on the couch, sippin off a 22 ounce.
Hello FC!
My name is Jeff and I'm a member on a couple of other cannabis sites under the same handle: JJ420. Anyways, this site seems pretty down to earth compared to some of the others out there. I've finally decided to join up because for the first time, I'd like to see what vaping is all about and perhaps start a small collection of devices.
I'd finally gotten into scientific glass around this time last year - and that's after a decade of toking. For years it used to be all about having a budget of $200 and spending like 180 of it on bud, and then twenty on some cheap little color changing pyrex pipe. My evolutionary steps over time have been: starting out by poking holes in a soda can with my friends way back in junior high, then making disposable pipes using a Bic pen and aluminum foil(yuck!), then there were those cheap three-piece metal pipes during the first half of my high school years where I would stash a dime in the middle and let it resonate heavily over the course of the bag, then on to mostly rolling joints with the aid of a Zig-Zag hand roller throughout the latter part of high school and a few of the following years after that. Took a big break for a few years due to moving and having no connect. I had grown tired of the ritual of fronting money and/or waiting all day just for some bullshit to finally come around my way. Seeing during that time the state of California becoming much more lax in their attitude towards cannabis and consequently the quality, variety, and dispensaries blowing up out there, I'd just decided to give up the old school method of getting the hookup in lieu of waiting for the country as a whole to shift its attitude and relax laws like they had done in Cali. Why should I be paying like fifty bucks for a half-ounce of utter, vile crap and going through the whole rigmarole to get it while in another state people have options and access and don't have to put up with BS? So I quit for a long while. I'd started sparking up again with a friend at work a few years after that, but still had NO idea about quality glass or anything else. I was still rolling those joints with that hand roller.
Fast forward to this time last year and I had bought a HVY 4-arm waterpipe off my local CL. The male joint on the ash catcher was chipped, so I had decided to drop by a notable head shop in Dallas(where I was living at the time) to seek out a replacement ac for the tube. Now every other head shop I had been into up until that point was more like an adult novelty store selling cheap acrylic and Pyrex stuff. When I stepped into this place I was shocked at all this high end glass displayed there before me. Toro, Illadelph, US Tubes, Fathead, Hops, and custom after custom heady piece. I had never seen anything like that before! So I bought the replacement ash catcher and then a Toro circ/circ during the following week and that was it - I had lifted off into the world of $$$ all glass on glass tubes. So now a year later I've got a decent collection of tubes numbering somewhere around a dozen, not to mention quite a few ac's and an assortment of diffused downstems and slides, all culminated in about a year's time and mainly funded through selling other stuff on CL from past hobbies and whatnot.
So here I am now with my collection of scientific glass pretty much maxed out. Anything more at this point would be a linear move seeing how I've basically got every popular style of perc out there. So now I am looking to start a small collection of vaporizers. I've never vaped before and all of my friends never had or have used one, so this will be a first and a new direction.
I've got my mind pretty much set on an SSV, PD, and VHW. Really the VHW is the one that led me to here. I'd found out about it's ability to mate with your existing tubes and came on here looking to find out more info on them. I've been back and forth all weekend trying to pull the trigger on it, but some of the reviews are scaring the hell out of me. I don't doubt that it works and works very well, it's just when it works. All of the stories of failed units and people being on their [insert number here] wand have made me real gun shy about it. But I'm still open to the idea and will probably end up making a decision either way on this Black Monday while the deals are still around to be had.
I very much look forward to participating on this forum!
My name is Jeff and I'm a member on a couple of other cannabis sites under the same handle: JJ420. Anyways, this site seems pretty down to earth compared to some of the others out there. I've finally decided to join up because for the first time, I'd like to see what vaping is all about and perhaps start a small collection of devices.
I'd finally gotten into scientific glass around this time last year - and that's after a decade of toking. For years it used to be all about having a budget of $200 and spending like 180 of it on bud, and then twenty on some cheap little color changing pyrex pipe. My evolutionary steps over time have been: starting out by poking holes in a soda can with my friends way back in junior high, then making disposable pipes using a Bic pen and aluminum foil(yuck!), then there were those cheap three-piece metal pipes during the first half of my high school years where I would stash a dime in the middle and let it resonate heavily over the course of the bag, then on to mostly rolling joints with the aid of a Zig-Zag hand roller throughout the latter part of high school and a few of the following years after that. Took a big break for a few years due to moving and having no connect. I had grown tired of the ritual of fronting money and/or waiting all day just for some bullshit to finally come around my way. Seeing during that time the state of California becoming much more lax in their attitude towards cannabis and consequently the quality, variety, and dispensaries blowing up out there, I'd just decided to give up the old school method of getting the hookup in lieu of waiting for the country as a whole to shift its attitude and relax laws like they had done in Cali. Why should I be paying like fifty bucks for a half-ounce of utter, vile crap and going through the whole rigmarole to get it while in another state people have options and access and don't have to put up with BS? So I quit for a long while. I'd started sparking up again with a friend at work a few years after that, but still had NO idea about quality glass or anything else. I was still rolling those joints with that hand roller.
Fast forward to this time last year and I had bought a HVY 4-arm waterpipe off my local CL. The male joint on the ash catcher was chipped, so I had decided to drop by a notable head shop in Dallas(where I was living at the time) to seek out a replacement ac for the tube. Now every other head shop I had been into up until that point was more like an adult novelty store selling cheap acrylic and Pyrex stuff. When I stepped into this place I was shocked at all this high end glass displayed there before me. Toro, Illadelph, US Tubes, Fathead, Hops, and custom after custom heady piece. I had never seen anything like that before! So I bought the replacement ash catcher and then a Toro circ/circ during the following week and that was it - I had lifted off into the world of $$$ all glass on glass tubes. So now a year later I've got a decent collection of tubes numbering somewhere around a dozen, not to mention quite a few ac's and an assortment of diffused downstems and slides, all culminated in about a year's time and mainly funded through selling other stuff on CL from past hobbies and whatnot.
So here I am now with my collection of scientific glass pretty much maxed out. Anything more at this point would be a linear move seeing how I've basically got every popular style of perc out there. So now I am looking to start a small collection of vaporizers. I've never vaped before and all of my friends never had or have used one, so this will be a first and a new direction.
I've got my mind pretty much set on an SSV, PD, and VHW. Really the VHW is the one that led me to here. I'd found out about it's ability to mate with your existing tubes and came on here looking to find out more info on them. I've been back and forth all weekend trying to pull the trigger on it, but some of the reviews are scaring the hell out of me. I don't doubt that it works and works very well, it's just when it works. All of the stories of failed units and people being on their [insert number here] wand have made me real gun shy about it. But I'm still open to the idea and will probably end up making a decision either way on this Black Monday while the deals are still around to be had.
I very much look forward to participating on this forum!
