First thing sorry for my bad english ill try to do my best.

I live in Espaa (Spain), i have 23 and study to be a Denstist some day

I started using marihuana cause i liked more than alcohol

After some time i started having migraine as my mom so one day i decise to try with marihuna and the result was that using marihuana dayly i had migrane less often and when i had it its less strong and i can treet it with mariguana.
As i dont smoke any tobaco i start roling only weed (doing this in spain is very extrage because everyone mix it with tobaco even people that inicialy dont smoke tobaco)
I did not liked the taste and i used to throw half of it each time when there were no friends around.
After i start using glass bongs with lighters untill i met a good friend of mine that show me all world around the bong. (most of it in usa) This friend has now started his own brand of bongs here in spain.
My mind started changing after buying HVY 9mm with perc and using it with KAKKO. The taste was much better and the smoke smoother.
Then i came back to vapes as i had been in touch with them but they had not convinced me much. The best one i tasted was volcano so i bought it but dry vapor was very irritating to my throat so i end up going back to the bong.
Some years past and new vapes came out but the taste of volcano was still better sow i start using it again but using a bubler to pass vapor throw waper. I used this sistem for some time but you need to much space and time to get it done so i came back to HAKKO
Now i dont use volcano any more cause i have an herbolizer xl and VHW so now i only use hakko for hash and my lungs are happy