Welcome new comers!
hello beardedcrow, the solo is a great portable vape as long as stealth isn't needed. if you need stealth then i suggest the mflb, or thermovape evolution or original TV1

there is a new portable coming soon called the puffit! it looks interesting but i'm waiting for more details before i consider buying one.
Honey_Child, as for vaporizing concentrates, the best way imso is still using Ti with some glass and a torch. but there have been a few other ways you can vape concentrates. you can put a dab of oil in a wad of cotton, and use it in most any vape. the volcano comes with a liquid pad that you just put your oils in.
then there are the omicron, persei, thermovape revolution/dart vaporizers. I like the revolution and would recommend the dart if i were to suggest one. i liked my omicron too but found it clogged too much on me. these are good options for portability. there is also the eclipse/gn0me (with oil dome attachment) that you use a torch to vape these oils though heating the glass. they take a bit of practice to use and ultimately of all of the methods i sat going back to Ti is the best way. just heat it red hot, let it cool so it looks normal again dab and enjoy!
Titamius, glad to see another lurker join the ranks of registered member

I lurked for a few days and then i joined if i recall correctly.