Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!


here for the chicks
Haha, thanks mom, perhaps I'll do a proper introduction with a background story in a year or two ;)


Well-Known Member
...I don't think I ever introduced myself either :p
let's start a club
I will not think of a motto, then who doesn't design a flag/logo and who doesn't make the clubsong?


Vapor Sloth
Well here is the logo:

What do you guys think? I worked really hard on it! :D

Edit: Guess I never introduced myself either. Sick, old guy from Oregon here . . . nothing to see, move along . . .



New vaporist here. I'm in my late 40's and I've been combusting for about 30 years.

I've always been somewhat health-conscious, and to this day I still hit the gym about 4 days a week.

I know that studies show that marijuana smoke is FAR less dangerous to you, with a FAR less lung cancer risk than tobacco, and I do believe that. But five years ago I watched my mother die from lung cancer caused by 45 years of cigarette smoking. Even though I know that cannabis smoke is far less dangerous than tobacco, I still felt somewhat uneasy inhaling smoke of any kind.
So, when someone informed me about vaporizing, and that it virtually eliminated all carcinogens & tars that are associated with combusting, I was intrigued and knew I had to try it!

So, of course not being fully sold on vaporizing at that point, I bought the cheapest vape that I could find at my local head shop, the Vapor Genie pipe.

I actually got the hang of using the VG pretty quick, but there was one thing that I just didn't like...and that was having to use a lighter for the heat source. The lighters would get really hot after awhile, and also they were killing my thumbs by having to flick the lighter constantly. I just really did not like the whole experience of having to use flame. So I went back to combusting, but I knew someday I wanted to try vaporizing again...with a different vape.

Now when I was combusting, my favorite way to smoke was to take a big bong hit or two (or three LOL!). I always loved a big lung-buster of a bong hit. So when I started researching vaporizers again, I purposely looked for the ones that would give the biggest, thickest vapor hits...the ones that most closely emulated a big bong hit.

After doing my due dilligence on this site and others, I decided on the Silver Surfer vaporizer....and let me tell you I could not be happier with that decision!!

Since it's a little pricey, it took me a few months to save for it...but once I got it, I got the hang of it very quickly (thanks to a few videos on YouTube), and I absolutely love it & the huge vapor hits that I get from it!

I've been vaporizing for about 2 months now, and combusting will never be my main way to use cannabis again. I use the Silver Surfer exclusively at home, and the ONLY time I combust anymore is at friends houses or at a concert or something. But that is only about 5% percent of the time...I now vaporize about 95% of the time. And once I get my friends into vaporizing, that percentage of combusting will go down even further!

After vaporizing almost exclusively for 2 months, here are a few observations from a new vaporist:

#1. I find that I use about 30% - 50% less weed than when I used to smoke it (especially since I usually vaporize it pretty thoroughly)...so therefore very economical!

#2. I am already feeling the health benefits of vaporizing. I used to have kind of a "wheezy" laugh, and would get congested a lot....that's all gone since I started vaporizing! I used to cough a lot too, and that's gone. The only time I cough now is if I get greedy and take WAY too big of a vapor hit. LOL!

#3. The taste of the vapor is definitely different than the taste of the smoke. I think the vapor taste is much sweeter and purer tasting (especially the high grade strains) than the smoke taste. And in fact, I used to like the taste of the smoke of some killer skunky weed, but now the smoke tastes very harsh & dirty to me.

#4. But probably the thing that surprised me the most about vaporizing is the almost complete lack of smell of the vapor compared to the smoke!! This really shocked the hell out of me...in a good way!
I'm a single dad of two kids, and I vaporize in my bedroom with the door shut. When I used to combust, I had to REALLY make sure that my door stayed shut at all times for quite awhile after smoking, because the smoke of some killer skunkweed would absolutely reek the entire house up!
It was a constant battle to combat the weed smell.
I now have none of those problems while vaporizing!
I can do vapor hit after vapor hit from the Silver Surfer, go into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and when I come back in the room a minute later, I can't even tell I've vaped! What an awesome side benefit!!
In fact, two weeks ago I had to go out of town with a lot of other fellow employees and my boss to a 3 day seminar. They put us all up in adjoining motel rooms. When I used to combust, I would be extremely paranoid that someone would smell the weed smoke coming out of my room, or if one of them came to the door for something, and I would get busted & fired. So, I would either not bring any weed, or I would have to take a walk somewhere to smoke it, which could get dangerous and also increase my chances of getting busted by the cops.
But this time, absolutely no problems!
I brought my Silver Surfer and after a long day of seminars I locked my door and vaped to my hearts content, with NO noticeable odor to speak of! It was absolutely awesome!!

#5. The ONLY negative at all that I can think of regarding vaporizing is that it does make me more cottonmouthed than I used to get from combusting. But it's a VERY small inconvenience....and a glass of water will take care of that. It's a good thing to drink more water anyway, right? All the positives of vaporizing FAR outweigh this tiny negative.

Well, I've rambled on long enough. I just felt that I'd lurked long enough, and it was time to introduce myself.

Looking forward to getting to know you guys. Talk to you soon. Cheers!!


Pure Vaporist
Nice post Rocker. Welcome..I too am in my late 40's and my mother also died from complications from Cigarette smoking. She was 56 years old. I've been vaping for a few years 99.9% of the time.


Pure Vaporist
Thanks, Jeppy!
You know what would go good in your bedroom? A CRZ from Aromazap. 'Hope I'm not breaking any rules' It's a log vape which you can also use around your house as an oil diffuser. It would be perfect for the circumstance you mentioned. Check it out on the vaporizer specific site.


Chaque jour est une chance
Hi all,
I've just joined the forum and was looking for a place to "introduce" myself
I've been lurking quite a long time here and decided (as I just ordered a new vaporizer) to officialy join the community.
I'm an almost 30 yo french guy. I first bought a Vapman 2 years ago (small, affordable, seemed effective) but the vapman is not a desk vape, and I couldn't get lot of vapor from it, so it didn't help me quit combustion.
As I said I just ordered a new vaporizer, an arizer solo (so yes another portable vape), but I read it was (almost) as efficient as an EQ? Well, i just hope i'll love it :)

I also visited the Glass section and saw a lot of beautifull things that i'd like to purchase in a near future so i'll probably be asking some questions soon.



I got paid to kill people.
I'm a male Marine Corps veteran and I'm a senior in college. I will graduate in the fall of 2012. I started smoking in order to be able to sleep (I had bad nightmares, but weed helped alleviate that problem). I switched to vaporizing because of the health benefits. I now have a vaporizer addiction...I have 3, and I am patiently biding my time until I can get a Solo or a Mivape (if that ever hits production).


vapor accessory addict
Welcome to the forum PhxRocker, f2j and stonedwarman! :D Glad to have you here. Load up a bowl and join in the fun.


Greetings FC,

Figured I'd drop by and formally introduce myself.

I'm a noob to the Vapor world, but have long been interested in the idea. Thanks to y'all here at FC I was able to decide to purchase (life twenty minutes ago) an Arizer Solo and a VaporGenie Glass Sherlock.

As far as personal details go, I've been a paramedic for five years, and a firefighter for four years. I recently got accepted into university to take my Nursing degree (har har a male nurse yes I know.)
Eventually I hope to work as a flight nurse, doing medivac stuff etc.

I used to smoke a lot more when I was younger but I had to stop due to workplace drug testing. I started up again after leaving my job as a firefighter so that I could go back to school. I finally decided to join the vapor movement because my father passed away from cancer and I decided that I needed to make some changes in my life so that I don't succumb to the same fate as he did.

Outside of that I'm a huge Blue Jays fan and a pretty big basketball fan as well. I play a lot of softball, golf, pool, and xbox in my spare time.

It's a pleasure to be a member of this awesome society and I look forward to what the future has in store.


Thought I would introduce myself as suggested before posting anything. After extensively searching and browsing through the forums I decided to register so I can address some specific areas that require the experience and knowledge of others. Over all, despite the name, FC seems to be pretty civil compared to other sites and I'm encouraged that there are some older folks here who contribute to the experience.

I quit smoking cigarettes a few years ago and became interested in vaporization for my herbal needs. I purchased a globe style and quickly disposed of it; it was obviously releasing some unhealthy fumes and I need all the brain cells I have. So, I recently decided to give it another go and purchased a MFLB for hiking and whatnot. On the hunt for a tabletop unit, I recently purchased an inexpensive EV "digital extreme" and like the whip style. However, I'm going to move on to another whip style, TBD, soon. Till then the LB works great.

Anything I post referring to vaporization refers, of course, exclusively to legal medicinal and/or therapeutic herbal substances. Any inference by readers otherwise is inaccurate.


vapor accessory addict
Welcome to the forum Vinsane and faith&physics. Glad you found your way here. :)

Anything I post referring to vaporization refers, of course, exclusively to legal medicinal and/or therapeutic herbal substances. Any inference by readers otherwise is inaccurate.

God, just don't start with the "SWIM" stuff and we'll be fine. :myday:
I'm from Australia and have been waiting to grow out of smoking weed for 10 years but I still love it. I recently started on the vape because my lungs didn't like the smoke even though I did and I'm loving it. I have a great job in the arts and enjoy being a high functioning vape lover. It's nice to be among like-minded people. My Extreme Q is tops but the whine is really bugging me. Any solutions?
Girl from Oz,
Greetings everyone. My names Paul and when Im not doing dabs I rescue people trapped inside cults. I love the Persei and high grade extracts. Peace.
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Sup guys, been lurking on this forum for a while now, only posted a few times. Just picked up my second vape, been using a log style for a long time.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
I'm from Australia and have been waiting to grow out of smoking weed for 10 years but I still love it. I recently started on the vape because my lungs didn't like the smoke even though I did and I'm loving it. I have a great job in the arts and enjoy being a high functioning vape lover. It's nice to be among like-minded people. My Extreme Q is tops but the whine is really bugging me. Any solutions?


welcome from a guy in Qld.I am an Eq owner too.the whine can be annoying and theres not much you can do about it, i m afraid.

My advice to you is maybe to look at a log vape like the HI if you have smoked a lot in the past.theres no plastic in the airpath for a start. so its healthy and it extracts youre meds perfectly.

Here is Alans Hi thread

you will never look back.its made from youre choice of beautiful wood has a clean airpath and whats more will last you until the end of time.

It works so well to extract vapor.The waiting list is long 3 months maybe but I wont need another vaporizer after the Hi.

In a busy work environment you need to just medicate and go.the Hi will allow you to do that.

its also portable enough.I take mine on car trips as a passenger of course, and use a car cigarette socket adapter with it.In traffic where you dont want to suck on a straw for like 20 seconds. you can hit it quickly 5 secondss and put it away.Its a very simple set up.nothing squeaky or plastic and no electronics to go wrong.

it is also very economical too.its also tiny and you can leave it lying around as a natural piece of art or ornament.everyonthat visits thinks its an oil burner for aromatherapy.You could also look at the toasty top also made by Alan, a beautiful art spinning top with the same heater set up as the HI.The spinning top thats another story.

the toasty top thread.

best of luck on here.We are a good bunch and will help you out if you need it:)

I mean 't to mention that Alan of Hi and toasty top fame is a master craftsman.if you are an artist,Im sure you will enjoy his work up close.Its flawless.
u bwade wunner,
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