Hi all! Im' BestBuds and I live in Massachusetts USA, finally legal! First dispensary to be opened for recreational use is just a few weeks away they tell us, but I don't use those dispensary's now so I am excited to see what those guys have to offer. I am a medical patient and used cannabis recreationally when I was a teenager and stopped for 17 years. When I was prescribed a heavy duty opiate for my chronic pain I started to look for other options. Then my therapist recommended that I look into "marijuana". I did remember that when I was a kid I had anxiety back then too and when I smoked "weed" it helped a lot. So I went through the proper channels and got my medical marijuana license (I know, real exciting!) Literally 2 days after I got my license I had an appointment at my pain clinic and she told me that i could no longer safely take Ibuprofen or Tylenol. So, reluctantly, I asked about cannabis for pain. She told me she would continue to treat me if I tried it but She said it didn't work for pain. I told her I already got my card for depression, anxiety, and ptsd and I was going to go to the dispensary that weekend. She shrugged it off and we haven't talked about it since. But this amazing plant

has changed my life! I vape every day (microdosing is my game) and since then I have been able to dump every prescription except for a muscle relaxer that I keep just in case my back completely tries to kill me.

Anyways, I have sold my mighty and my pax 2 along with my vivant alternate. My current line up is eNano, Ghost MV1, RBT Milaana 2, RBT Splinter gen 3, Davinci IQ, 2 DynaVap M's, and a Arizer Extreme Q.
I am looking to get a Nomad next. I'm pretty active at VapeLife forums I like it because it's a small forum this forum kind of intimidates me but the more I read the more I like and learn. I'm going to become more active here but I feel like a small tribal medicine man amongst some wise and powerful sorcerers
Thank you for letting me sit under this learning tree!

* In case you were wondering: I use terms like herb or cannabis and I avoid terms like weed or marijuana because to me they are pejorative terms and I owe a lot to this amazing plant. It is powerful and should be treated with deep respect in my opinion. But to each their own.