Last week I posted a lengthy reply in the "Do you cough still when vaping" thread that combined a bunch of bits I've written over the past year -- mostly while vaping!?!
Here's the short & sweet intro from that post...
History: started smoking cigs in my teens then added cannabis in my 20s. Smoked for 30+ years -- thrashed my lungs. Ultimately, I fucked combustion about 3 yrs ago and am still tobacco-free. I've dealt with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and respiratory allergies for many years.
About a year ago I bought a Pax 2 and started vaping bud. I've figured out how to use daily without too much irritation of my damaged respiratory system. I refined my technique thru trial & error while lurking here at FC for the past year, reading the collected tips, tricks & wisdom of members of the forum.
The key for me is: too potent or too large of vapor draw will irritate and cause cough. So I take small, slow sips of half-bowls of herb, temp-stepping through the session.
Here's the saga of my relationship with cannabis...
My cannabis use started with smoking joints, then on to bongs. My traveling stash box always had rolling papers, even after mostly switching to a metal pipe w/screen. Early 1980's the housemates every year would pool our stems & shake to make butter for Magic Cookies at our open-house.
Breaks, sometimes years would pass when I didn't use cannabis. Lots of factors in why, but much related to it being illegal. I lived in San Francisco Bay Area so most family, friends and some co-workers were aware that I smoked it, but one still had to be discreet. Landlords. Employment drug-testing. Dating opportunities.
Because it was illegal, there were periods it seemed all of my social time & energy was spent getting weed. I'd break from it to focus on other aspects of life and spend time with people I valued for more than their connection to some dude who sold weed. Maybe I grew up?
1990 (year after the Loma Prieta earthquake) I left Silicon Valley and moved to Oregon.
Late 1990's brought friends who shared my enjoyment of cannabis. Along with the usual bongs, joints & pipes, on occasion they'd setup hot-knife hits of bud. Heat 2 table knives to red hot by wedging the tips into the kitchen stove-top, (while heating, prepare single hit portion of bud on heat-safe surface and get oven mitts on) then carefully pickup & quickly smash the bud between the hot blades while inhaling through the cut-off cone of a plastic soda bottle. Looking back, I saw it was early vapor tek.
About 10 yrs ago, one of our group had a vaporizer for a while, wooden box with a whip, probably VaporBros. We used it enough to get decent enough technique to get high, but at the time preferred the more intense rush from the toxics of combustion.
Friends moved away, social circles shifted and I was back to a single illicit connection I'd call every couple months... and trying to quit tobacco for good. I realized 1 way I'd sabotage my effort was by smoking a cig to cover the smell of my weed.
Feb 2013 my lungs couldn't take any more and I quit cigarettes for good. Had to break from weed til I could do it without hurting.
New Years 2015 somebody visiting from Seattle shared pre-rolled joints bought at a retail store. Oregon had passed our legalization initiative but were 6 months from it being effective--not quite legal yet but people were talking openly about it.
Feb/March, made a few trips across the Columbia River to check out the retail shops. I asked budtenders about strains that might be most smooth/least harsh. I dug an old bong from the cupboard and tried taking tiny hits. I still choked and coughed.
I was determined to find a sustainable way to get high, so I asked more budtenders and other customers. Folks convinced me to explore vaporizers again and online research led me to FC. I ordered my Pax 2 a week after retail release last April. Huge learning curve, but I'm a stubborn sumbitch so kept reading, watching videos and experimenting.
Went to an afternoon event in early July celebrating legalization. A highlight was the open vaporizer bar: budtenders loading Firefly, Herbalizer, Cloud Evo and Pax 2 for attendees to try out and compare. That's the full range of my vape experience.
Around this time, I'd joined FC & got an adapter from
@Ratchett. I paired my Pax 2 with glass piece from LHS & tried ice to cool and then warm water to humidify. It helped some, but not enough. More practice. Had a problem with my Pax 2 and sent it for service -- no backup vape, so relapsed to combustion during the week it was gone. Bad idea.
By August I'd learned I need a vape able to efficiently extract tiny doses at low temps and ramp up from there. So I pulled the trigger and got in the Grasshopper pre-order line.
Starting October 1st I could buy cannabis flower in shops in my neighborhood. The state is still evolving the rules for taxing it and dealing with edibles and concentrates. I'm ecstatic that for 7 months now, I've been able to walk in and choose from 20 strains of fragrant bud! Right down the block from the closest Target store.
I've continued to lurk on FC, especially when I'm vaked, and I often consider replying to posts. I've started replies that ended up as snippets & bits littering my notes app. The plea in the coughing thread motivated me to put together that post so it's about time to say hello to the group at large.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and reading my ramblings. See ya over in the Grasshopper threads.