Hi Everybody,
I figure it's about time I introduced myself...
I found FC when I was doing a google search for vaporizer reviews. This site popped up, and the first thing I would like to say is thanks to everyone who posts here.
There is such a wealth of great information on here, and not only is everyone welcoming, but everyone seems to genuinely want to help everyone else. This is what a forum should be.
I've been lurking here since about Mid-May when I started looking for my 1st (technically 2nd) vaporizer. (The 1st vape I bought was a cheap conduction vape with the glass dome over the top of it - terrible efficiency, and just not a pleasure to use.)
After about a week of reading around the threads here, I gladly learned that just because the Volcano is the most expensive, doesn't mean it is the best, and I decided on an SSV directly from 7th floor. All up I spent AUD $375 on it.
Black Body, Red Base, Red/Blue Standard Heater Cover, Red/Blue Wand (I also Got a backup Heater Cover & Wand in the same color scheme just in case anything breaks - But everything is going fine right now

). Thanks to the exchange rate, My Black SSV, with the 2nd full whip kit and international postage was pretty much the same price as the standard silver SSV from australianvaporizers.
Man, those 3 weeks waiting for international shipping were not fun... But then the day finally came, I got my SSV (on the thursday before a 4 day long weekend.).
My world was changed.
My herb was getting me WAY higher for WAY longer using WAY less...
I spent the first few weeks using it with the standard mouthpiece, as I didn't get the Water Pipe Adaptor, but after reading all the great things about Vapor-Bonging here, I knew I had to try it.
I only had 1 GONG piece at the time, the Bushmaster Cyclone. I managed to MacGuyver its one-hitter cone-piece into my SSV tubing and I was all set to Vapor-Bong.
I wasn't too impressed at first, it seemed the same as without. then I went back to the regular mouthpiece, and I understood why so many people prefer water filtration - it's hard to describe why, but I've been using water filtration almost exclusively since then.
Just so this post doesn't become massive, I'll shorten the rest:
I then got an Extreme Q on eBay from Vapeworld for AUD$175 including shipping - I got it purely to see what bag vapes are like, and while I liked it, it didn't even come close to the SSV IMO. (I actually tried it through a bong last night for the first time - I much prefer it over the bags, but it still doesn't hold a candle to the SSV IMO). The Q spends most of its time gathering dust, but still gets to see some action every now and again.
At the same time I got the Q, I also got a Sneak-A-Vape on eBay for like $8. IMO, I'd rather have the $8 back...
Next I got a MFLB from australianvaporizers. I like it, but cannot see myself using it all that often - there's just something that isn't satisfying about it... (Thats not to say it didn't get me high...) Maybe it's the lack of visible vapor?
My next purchase I made was an Ariser Solo from Vaproizer For Weed when they had their big discounts on it. I managed to get it for $220 including International Shipping, which I was quite happy with, especially for such a new Vape. This is now my official portable vape. I love it. Again, It can't hold a candle to the SSV IMO, but it gets pretty darn close for a portable.
In addition to all of my lovely vaporizers, I also ordered some SSV accessories from 7th Floor. I got a 6 arm water filter, Blemished Custom Mouthpiece (I Honestly cannot find a blemish on it), a Vapor Tamer (I ordered an old style one due to the massive discount, but I can't tell if I got that or a fatty, further research is required) and I currently have on order a custom heater cover: Ground Glass, with a 135 degree bend instead of the usual 90 - which makes the opening parallel to the ground.
I'm pretty sure I've got the disease Vitolo mentioned somewhere - VCD - Vaporizer Collection Disorder.
There are still so many I still want to have in my collection...
A Supreme, an LSV, a VHW, A Purple Days or Aromazap, The VXC (When it comes out), and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few...
I have only combusted a few times since I got my SSV, and every time has told me one thing:
I honestly cannot go back.
By the way, can anyone suggest a good picture hosting site?
I wouldn't mind getting a few pics up here of my collection eventually.